[05] "It's Fine Dining."

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 “It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” 

~ Leonardo da Vinci 

May 24, 2043

7:05 P.M

            “Daisy, Phoebe, what on earth are you two doing? We’re going to be late for our reservations if we don’t leave in the next five minutes!” 

            Louis stuffed his hands in the pockets of his dark slacks, listening to the hustle and bustle going on around the house. He had been ready to go for nearly half an hour now, and he couldn’t help but smile a little bit, knowing that his family was still just as disorganized in reality as in his head.

            He supposed it was what he got for living with six girls, including his mum. 

            “Mum, my ribbon came undone!” Daisy exclaimed as she bounded down the stairs after Phoebe, pouting as she clutched the red, silky ribbon in her small hand.

            “I swear, that’s the third time,” their mother huffed, bending down to retie it, exactly the same way as Phoebe’s. “Honestly, just leave it alone and it’ll stay. It’s fine dining at a fine restaurant, you need to look your best.”

            “Girls will be girls, eh?”

            Louis turned slightly to see Mark coming up behind him, adjusting his tie a bit. He offered Louis a smile, which he faintly returned, before checking his watch and clapping his hands together.

            “Honestly girls, we need to go now! Everyone in the car, before we get booted off the list.”

            After helping herd his five sisters into the car and listening to their squealing and his parents’ chatter for twenty more minutes, Louis gratefully clambered out in front of the restaurant. 

            “Do you remember this place?” Louis’ mother came up behind him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder as they looked up at the glowing letters spelling, The Phoenix. “It’s really expensive and all, but it was one of your favorites before…” She trailed off and pursed her lips slightly. “Well, it is one of your favorites, I would assume.”

            Louis only shook his head, not remembering the place, though it looked nice, quite upscale actually, which explained their attire. 

            Part of him was wondering what his mother’s trip in words was all about. He figured that she just must have been a bit upset about not seeing him the whole time he was in testing. Yes, that had to be it. 

            “Tomlinson, of course,” the hostess smiled when they finally got inside, being greeted by a warm, brightly lit room of chattering customers, all waiting to be seated.

               As many as there were, Louis found himself a bit grateful they had put in reservations ahead of time. 

               “Right this way.”

             Louis followed his sisters and his mother, trailing after the hostess, taking in the sight of the restaurant. He suddenly found himself very glad that he had been forced to dress up as much as he did. 

              The large walls were covered in a rich, red velvet material, popping out at certain areas from the ceiling lights scattered around the rooms, while the tables were classically round, already set with spotless tablecloths and place settings. 

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