Part 1: Percabeth

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"Hey, Travis!" greeted Annabeth while Percy was talking to Grover who was talking to Juniper who was tending a burnt naiad who was screaming in agony.

It was a beautiful day in CHB and nothing could ruin the day for Annabeth. And oh, how wrong was she.

"Hey, Perce," purred Drew somewhere behind them. Percy sighed and turned around and instantly took hold of Annabeth's hand. "Hey, Drew," said Percy.

"So, I need some help. I just CAN'T reach my top shelf, think you can help me out?" said Drew while twirling a strand of hair like an astoriod could hit Earth and she wouldn't care just as long as her oh-so-perfectly-manicured nails were still oh-so-perfectly-manicured.

"Ummm, no, sorry, I need to spend some time with Annabeth," Percy said scratching his head. Annabeth rolled her eyes but was still happy that Percy denied (she knew he would), when Drew started using charm speak.

"Come on, Perce, I know you WANT to help, you NEED to," Drew said with a pout. When Percy was silent Annabeth stopped glaring at Drew and looked at Percy with a worried look to see Percy's sea green eyes were clouded.

He started to move towards her but stopped himself and glanced at Annabeth one last time and walked towards Drew. Drew looked at Annabeth with a smug look and hooked arms with Percy and walked away, hips moving on purpose.

Annabeth slumped down on the grass wondering why the hell she didn't do anything to stop it. Grover and Juniper knelt down next to her. "Don't worry, Percy will get out of it in a snap," said Juniper gently while Grover awkwardly patted her back barely knowing what to do.

"Yeah, and by then he would've kissed her and she would be walking around camp screaming to everyone that he broke up with me," said Annabeth miserably.

Juniper and Grover stayed by her side whispering that nothing would happen and his flaw was loyalty and other whatnot that Annabeth didn't care about. She was just starting to let a few tears escape when they heard footsteps coming towards them.

"Hmmm, not good, Annie, for a daughter of Athena, you're pretty dumb right now," they heard an all so familiar voice say. Annabeth's head snapped up and she ran towards him and hugged the freaking air out of him.

When she was about to say something to him they heard a scream. Everybody looked towards the shrill scream to see Drew sopping wet with seaweed stuck to her new designer outfit.

"Ahh, that must be Drew coming out of the ocean," said Percy calmly. Annabeth looked up at him and kissed him on the cheek.

"You missed," said Percy and kissed her on the lips.

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