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A/N: IT FEELS REALLY REALLY GOOD TO BE BACK GUYS. I'm sorry for the delay to the start of this story, but I'm ready to start even though I'm leaving for CA on Thurs. I'll try to get 2 chapters up, maybe 3 before then. ALL ABOARD THE TREVOR SHIP. Oh and like a few more things so I don't forget. Maddy is now 20, and she moved into an apartment in CA to be closer to JC and Kian.


That little kid had a booger hanging out of his nose and I have been staring at him for an hour. Why hasn't he noticed?

Don't you usually feel people looking at you after a while?

We, as in Christian and I, have been at the stupid airport for almost two hours waiting for our baggage. I said I would stay and wait for them to arrive while he went to go grab something to eat really quick.

He told me that an hour ago though.

I sighed and winced as my stomach grumbled for the millionth time.

The airport isn't that big and he's been here plenty of times. Why is he taking so long?

I stood up from the uncomfortable chair my butt was glued too and got on my tip toes to see if I could spot his head.

Yes Madalyn because standing on your tip toes rather than standing on the freaking chair you were sitting in is so much better, I thought to myself. I pushed myself up and grew three feet.


That's not him.


He looks like a grandpa version of Christian.

Irritated, I sat down in my chair and continued to stare at booger boy in the chair across from me.

Don't you dare stick your finger in your nose kid, I glared at him.

I couldn't stand looking at him for another minute and got up to go walk around. My legs felt like jello and my butt hurt from sitting for so long.

It was pretty empty seeing as to how it was one in the morning. However, it was nice. Peaceful even. The feeling of being able to breathe in air without someone breathing down your neck.

I stopped in an open area and looked up at the airplanes that were dangling from the ceiling.

That is so dangerous, I gaped at it. They could fall on anyone at any time and then it'll be all over the news.

I quickly passed the area and walked down the first aisle of gates. Most had very few people and they were all asleep.

I trudged on until I made it to the immense food court. The smells were inhaled at once and lifted me up in an instant. My stomach churned for some and my mouth began to water.

I tapped my pockets and reached inside to see if I had any money.

Fifteen dollars. Nice.

There was no sign of Christian in the food court and I was beginning to grow concerned. Maybe he had gotten kidnapped. Or perhaps hopped on the next plane to who knows where. At this moment, I only knew two things for sure. One, my stomach was about to eat me alive. And two, my feet ached from trudging and I needed a seat.

I walked over to a cafe that was still opened and ordered a sandwich, a cookie, a lemonade, and a salad. It would have to do until we got home. With that, I purchased my little meal and sat down at a nearby table. I peeled back the plastic wrapping on the sandwich and took a bite.

I should've got the one that had more mayo, I frowned but ate it anyways.

Quickly, I ate it and devoured my salad to cover up the dry taste. I sipped my lemonade and threw my food away. Of course I saved the cookie for later in case Christian decided to go MIA for another two hours and my stomach wanted to rebel again. Then I went on my marry way wandering around again. I ducked into a few of the bathrooms to check if Christian was in any of them. No luck though.

Kiss Me One More Time (Trevor Moran Sequel)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu