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A/N: Let's skip forward to a few weeks later so that I can get this rolling a bit faster for you guys. My apologies for taking so long to update. 


You know when you wake up and have a dream that seems realistic? Then when an event similar to the dream happens, you sort of freak out in your head? That just happened. I was going to grab some coffee in my dream and I was with Kian and Jc of course because I did not really talk to many friends from back home. Anyways, we were sitting and I was going up to grab my drink when they called my name, but I was rudely interrupted by someone running into me and nearly spilling their coffee on me. That someone happened to be Trevor. Except, in reality, it was Christian. 

"S-sorry... Maddy?" the annoying voice questioned.

"In the flesh," I said in a monotone.

I ignored the fact that he ran into me as his papers flew out of his hand and adorned the floor with messy writing. Instead, I grabbed my cup, smiled at the barista and went back to the comfy sofa. 

"Wait up!" he yelled as he quickly grabbed the last few papers. 

Jc spotted me and I raised my eyebrows and tried to make a gesture with my face so he would glance behind me. He looked at me dumbfounded for a moment before getting the hint. When he saw who it was, I saw a muscle in his jaw twitch. 

I reached him as he was getting up. "Don't. Can we just go?" 

He relaxed his tense fist and sighed. "Kian let's go."

Kian looked up at us suddenly. There was a mustache of whip cream on his face and he looked like a kid. I took my phone out to quickly get a picture. "Got it."

"What?" he was even more confused.

"We're leaving," Jc repeated. 


"Why are you asking questions?" 

"Why aren't you answering them?"

"Thanks for waiting up," Christian mumbled. He was chewing on part of a bagel and looked like a mess. 

I glared at Kian and mouthed, "This is your fault."

He finally realized what was going on and hopped up off the couch. "We were actually just on our way out."

Jc put his arm around me and pulled me into his side. He started ruffling my hair and I started swatting at his hands. "She can't be late for her new job," he lied. 

I could not think of anything else to speed up the situation so I went with it.

"Oh, new job? Did you get fired from that other place?" 

I froze and my blood boiled from head to toe. Did he really just say that? 

Jc tightened his grip on me and turned me around towards the door.

"Fuck off," Kian said. 

Christian was shocked and blinked at Kian. "What did I say?" 

I grabbed some of Kian's jacket and tugged him along. He glared at Christian one more time before we disappeared out the door.

"Thanks for the save back there," I sighed. 

"He's a creep now. You guys broke up a while ago and he still manages to "run into you" by accident," Jc said with a slightly annoyed tone. 

The last few weeks have been sort of strange. I did quit my job at the fast food place. The smell of fried potatoes and grilled beef was getting to my head. I did score a job at Hollister so I guess that was okay. Would much rather smell too much cologne rather than smell like fried food. The job was easier at for me too so that was another plus. 

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