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A/N: Just so I'm caught up to speed, Maddy broke up with Christian, JC and Kian came to comfort her, and Trevor saw Maddy in CVS. Okay, so now for another chapter



I woke up the next morning to the annoying sound of an alarm. My hand was slapping random places on my night stand before I found the clock and shut it off. I dropped my hand and groaned.

"I don't wanna go to work," I said out loud. That is right. I have a job. At In-n-Out. I had to pay for rent here somehow. Yeah, there are the YouTube videos I do, but I don't make a million dollars a video.

I threw the covers off and instantly pulled them back on. The fan was on and I forgot to turn it off. Taking a deep breath, I threw the covers off, hopped out of bed, and ran to my closet to grab my work uniform. I went into the bathroom and washed my face before putting the uniform on. Sometimes I really hated it, but sometimes I did not really mind it. I started my makeup process and took like an hour to finish. You know when you have your days when your makeup just will not listen to you? It was one of those days. I finished with a few minutes to spare and made a cup of coffee to take with me. Then I threw on my shoes and went out the door off to work.

While I was driving I happened to run two stop signs. Luckily it was still really early so the traffic was light. My mind was just sort of somewhere else. Thinking back to the store yesterday. Which is weird because all I did was go buy some Advil. It just kind of felt like there was someone else there. Sort of like when you feel a person's presence when they are staring at you. There was no one else in the store though.

I'm pretty sure there was no one else in the store at least.

I pulled into my usual parking spot and made my way into the smell of great food ready to work.


"That is it! I'm over her!" I marched into JC and Kian's place.

"Who?" JC was coming downstairs.

"You know who."

He looked at me confused.

"Madalyn!" I crossed my arms.

"Oh, Maddy," he laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"I thought you were over her when you said that last year when you came to visit."

I paused and wanted to shove my head through the wall for not keeping my word.

Trevor, you are an absolute idiot, I thought to myself.

"Come on, I'm about to make dinner. I'll listen to you talk about her so you can get it out of your system."

We both walked into the kitchen and I took a seat at the island in the middle.

"So why are you so pissed off this time?" he said with his back towards me.

"I saw her at a CVS yesterday. That was when I realized that I never did anything wrong and that I should be mad at her. I should not be feeling bad for loving her..." I trailed off.

"Did you say anything?"

"No," I mumbled.


"Because she doesn't need me. Because she left me for someone else and left me to rot. Because something better came along. Someone who's known her longer than I have," I stopped to think about more to say.

JC stopped what he was doing and turned to face me. "The amount of time two people have known each other doesn't determine how good they are for each other. I only see the time difference as a way of saying 'Hey, I knew her when she was a little kid.' But you may be the only one who knows what color she likes to wear the most and what her ambitions are. You may be the one who knows what car she wants to buy, or that one place she wants to go in the world. He doesn't."

He returned his attention to the stove and went to go grab a pan. I sat contemplating what JC had just said.

"I told them it was okay for them to go off and be happy."

"Is it really okay though?"

"No. Never in a million years would it be okay."

"Go get her then."

"I can't."

"What's stopping you?"


"That asshole got dumped by Maddy dude," he said casually.

I stared at the back of JC's head. "What?"

"She dumped him. He cheated on her."

All of this was hitting me at once and I could not develop words in my head to describe how happy I was in that moment.  


Short and sweet. 

How do you think Trevor and Maddy are going to meet?

Kiss Me One More Time (Trevor Moran Sequel)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz