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I crawled out of the room as quick as my four limbs allowed me and closed the door behind me. Leaning against the door, I stared at nothing in particular in front of me. My body felt numb all over and my mind was flooding with memories all at once.

"Maddy?" I could hear a voice in front of me say.

I didn't want to come back. My mind was spaced out. It was running away from the scary reality.

"Maddy?" JC snapped his fingers in front of my face. I blinked and met his.

"Are you okay?"

I didn't want to answer and instead dragged my luggage to Kian's room. Without changing or going to wash my makeup off of my face, I got into the bed and tried to take up the least amount of space possible and went to sleep.


"Dude, what do we do?" I nudged Kian.

We watched her disappear into Kian's room and stood feeling guilty.

"Why didn't you tell her in the car?"

"Like I planned to bring her here."

He shrugged and sighed.

"Do we tell Trevor?" I said quietly.

Kian shook his head in response. "Him hearing about Maddy being here is the last thing he needs."

"Well then what's going to happen when they wake up and get hungry and both go into the kitchen to get something to eat?" I asked.

"We're gonna make sure that doesn't happen. There's two of us and two of them."

I really thought about it for a moment.

Kian has a good idea for once?

It seemed like the most stupid, idiotic plan ever but it was for Maddy.

"Let's do it."

Then we split. I headed for the guest room and Kian headed for his room.



I woke up with my leg hanging off of the bed and the covers off of me. My body felt cold as soon as it realized that it was exposed and I reached behind me for the blanket and pulled on it.

It didn't budge.

Still only half awake, I turned to see what the problem was.

There was a half naked Kian Lawley staring at me.

I blinked and thought I was dreaming so I rolled over onto my side and pulled at the blanket again.

"Stop taking the blanket. My body is cold," he mumbled.

I turned back over and stared at him for a good 3 seconds before my eyes almost popped out of my head and a scream shot out of my mouth.

"Stop screaming!" he yelled over me.

I stopped and quickly sat up. "Why the hell am I in your bed?"

He sat up too, revealing a bare chest. "You walked in here, threw your bag down and went to sleep," he pointed at my suitcase.

"What time is it?"

"Two thirty."

It's too early, I thought to myself.

Then I remembered everything.

Even seeing Trevor.

"I think I need to head home now."

Kiss Me One More Time (Trevor Moran Sequel)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon