iGo for a ride

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How could Carly say that to me? I was on my bike going who knows where but getting there fast. How could Carly say I was gay?! She knew me better than anybody in the world and she thinks I'm gay? Well, I'm not! Right?

I mean, I've had boyfriends before. Maybe not a lot of them. A few. But they were still boys! Carly said that I dated boys because of peer pressure in high school and me hiding from my feelings. Hiding? Ha! Sam Puckett don't hide from nothing or nobody.

Sure I look at women's bodies, but who doesn't? The way chicks dress now it's like they want you to look. Here's the beach coming up. I need to stop and just chill a minute.

Sitting on a bench with a smoothie looking at the water I start to calm down a bit. Then this blonde walks past me and lays out right in front of me. Did she have to pick this spot to Sun herself? She takes off her t-shirt and WHOA Mama likes!

Wait, what? Did I just think that? I mean I was just surprised by how put together this woman is. She's got a body that won't quit! Long silky smooth legs. Nice tight stomach and cute ass. Breasts that I could rub my face in. Whoa she sees me looking!

I can feel my face flushing. I look up and see that the woman is grinning a little and putting Sun tan lotion on her skin.

Sam Puckett what is going on? I need to get my head straight. Stop lying to myself because I know for a fact this isn't the first woman I've checked out. If I can be honest with myself, I check out women a lot. And I imagine being with women a lot. I always have. I even had a crush on Carly a long time ago. But I gave it up when I accepted she was straight and I was...

What? What are you Sam Puckett? Why are you so scared to say it? Why do you get butterflies in your stomach when Cat's around? Why do you frequently fantasize about her at night even though she's sleeping just a few feet away? How you just want to hold her and look into those big beautiful brown eyes and kiss her perfectly shaped lips?

Just say it Puckett! Say it!

"I'm gay!" I yell out.

"Congratulations!" Says a guy pushing a shopping cart past me.

I blush one more time and head for my bike and ride home.

#whatdidyousay? Sam and Cat Lesbian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now