The Nurses Office

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I woke up to see myself in the nurse's office.
"Hey, are you alright?" I heard a voice say.

My eyes widened, "You're Markiplier," I then realized what happened before."Oh yeah, I'm alright."

Mark chuckled. "So I did the interviews with the other girls, skipping Jewel of course. So I was wondering if we could do your interview right now?"

"Sure," But before we could the nurse came in.

"Well Shelby, Jewel stabbed you in the arm, but luckily it's not deep, so you are free to go!"
I looked at my arm, it had gauze on it.
"Thank you," I said.

"Oh yeah," she pulled out my phone and said, "Scott texted you." She said jokingly as I blushed.  Scott was Mrs.lee's son. He taught me how to play the guitar, you could say I might have a little crush on him.

" Oh, who's Scott?" Mark said.

"N-no one, just someone who taught me how to play the guitar."

"Does Shelby have a wittle cwush?" Mark said in a baby voice. Dammit, my stuttering must have given it away.


*BEING REWRITTEN* My Savior (Adopted by Markiplier)Where stories live. Discover now