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          I woke up on my bed, Mark must've put me here. The events of last night shouted at me. Oh my God... I tried to kill myself again, didn't I? I covered my face with my hands and sighed. I heard a knock on my door. "Come in, Dad," I said in just above a whisper. He gently opened my door and sat on my bed. "Come here sweety." Mark pulled me into a tight hug. "Love you, Shelby."

"I love you too dad." He kissed me on the forehead.

      "We need to talk about what's going to happen in the future. How about we go to the park later today?" Mark asked. I can already see what's going to happen. Therapy, anti-depressants, more therapy, all sharp things taken away from me. I guess it's for the best.

 "Sure, what time?" I asked him.

     "2:00, oh I took away every sharp object you have. I guess it explains why there is furniture slightly moved, and items not in their original origins." He said. See? I saw it coming. "Oh..."

     "I also found this notebook." He held out a pink notebook that had gold colored quotes in it. How did he get that? That's the notebook that I keep my calorie count in it. It's basically a diary. I write all my suicidal thoughts and how many cuts I've ever made down. "H-how did you get that!?" I always try to hide any secret things in the best spots. "I found it behind the sink in your bathroom. Shelby, you're not fat. He told me calmly. "But I am." He put my notebook down on my bed and gave me a hug.

                                                                                         &*^&^&TIME SKIP^&#$&#&$%

     At 1:30 I got ready for the park. It's the middle of November, so it's pretty cool out. Since it's LA, it's not hot, but not too cold. I wore a black My Chemical Romance shirt, that was themed after the Black Parade, black ripped jeans, and black combat boots I put on a black My Chemical Romance velvet choker. As usual, I had my heart locket on, which I tucked under my shirt. I put on perfume and Twenty One Pilots earrings. I put on mascara and concealer for my usual everyday makeup. As you can guess, I'm emo trash, and I shop for a lot of my stuff at Hot Topic. 

     Today is Sunday, I have school tomorrow..shit. My phone dinged from across the room. It was Seth texting me. 

Seth: 1:40 PM

Are you okay?

Shelby: 1:41 PM

Yeah... I'm sorry. 

Seth: 1:41 PM

No need to apologize. Anyway, wyd?

Shelby 1:42 PM

I'm getting ready to go to the park with my dad you know, to talk about things

Seth: 1:42

 Oh, okay :) well I gtg do "Chores" Bye, stay safe

Shelby: 1:43 PM

Okay, bai

     I set my phone down and got up, but then my phone dinged again. I sighed and looked at the notification. It was a notification from Mark. "Taking a Break" it read. Why is he taking a break?

     To find out the answer I grabbed my headphones and put them in. The video is only 5 minutes long, so I had time before we have to go to the park.

     In a nutshell, the video was about me trying to kill myself. he didn't say it was me, but he said someone very close to him did. He also said that he just needs to calm down, he's been really stressed lately.

     "Shelby, are you ready?" Mark poked his head through the door. "Yeah, I'm ready to go (Get me out my mind- Panic!) 

                                                                                           &*^&^&TIME SKIP^&#$&#&$% 

     The park that we had here allowed dogs, so Mark brought Chica along. She was being a big Ol' dork like she always is. Mark and I sat on the swings while we watched Chica play in the grass with other golden retrievers. "So," Mark started, "You have therapy twice a week, Mondays and Fridays at 5." He explained. "You're also getting antidepressants. And I know it's going to be hard, but you'll get better soon.''

"I know..." 

*BEING REWRITTEN* My Savior (Adopted by Markiplier)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat