Chapter 1

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The past couple of months I've been thinking about life, how it seems to have turned itself around for me. Before I turned 18 my parents used me as a lab rat, experimented on me for their precious cross species genetics DNA research. I resented them and used every opportunity to try and escape the pain, the torture. Once I turned 18 however they couldn't lay a hand on me and I was free so I hopped on a plain and have been in France ever since.

I also started dating Harry. Harry doesn't know what my parents did, though I plan on telling him eventually when we finally talk about parents. I don't know how long that'll be, but I'm definitely not looking forward to it.

Last night I dreamt of a possible future with Harry, even though I am in love with him I am not sure what this means. I don't know if I'm ready to settle down and commit myself to a family again.

Completely lost in my thoughts I didn't even notice when he came into the kitchen, clad in his sleepwear- boxers.

I jump slightly, thankful that I didn't make a mess when he wraps his arms around my waist and brushes my hair aside so he can kiss my neck.

Setting the spoon down against the edge of the bowl I let out a small moan of pleasure at the sensation.

"Harry- I'm- try-ing -to-ma-ke break-fa-st." my words are choppy and I'm nearly incoherent. He ignores me and continues to kiss my neck, moving so he can kiss down my back when he lifts my shirt- his shirt actually- up.

"HHHmmm." I hum, feeling europhic. "I'm- try- ing to-make pan-cake-s." I try again and he stops for a moment before he kneels in front of me and begins to kiss my stomach near my underwear before kissing down my legs as well for some reason- but whatever, it feels amazing. His lips on my skin.

He slowly kisses his way back up and is standing in front of me now- a devilish look in his eyes as he smirks at me before kissing my lips.

I whimper slightly into his mouth at the sudden harshness and ferocity behind the kiss which causes a slight laugh to bubble out from him. Jumping up I wrap my legs around his middle and he holds me up by my thigh and back while he carries me to the bedroom of my luxurious penthouse.

Suddenly my back is on the plush bedding and Harry is hovering above me giving me the same devilish smile from earlier.

"I love you Felicia." he says just as I say, "I love you Harry."

He leans down and I cup his face as we kiss again- this one softer than before. We spend the rest of the day wrapped up in each other and the sheets.

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