Chapter 4

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The next time I'm woken, it's by Harry again. This time he's maneuvering me so he can lay next to me on the couch, with his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Harry." I sleepily murmur for no reason, I just wanted to.

"Felicia." He murmurs and kisses my neck softly and I hum my contentment.

"So was that really your dad?" I randomly ask as we're cuddling.

"Uh, yeah it was." He coughs and props himself up on his elbow behind me, his fingers still lazily moving along my stomach. "I don't really get along with my dad, I have no idea how he found your loft."

"It's not exactly a secret." I tease.

"Yeah, but-" He cuts himself off, "Just forget about it all please?" I turn to lay on my back and look at him quizzically. His eyes are pleading and lips pouting.

"Okay." I agree; I seem to be doing that a lot lately, just agreeing with Harry and doing whatever he asks of me. It's weird, but I can't bring myself to care about this revelation much.

His pout breaks into a smile as he leans down to kiss my lips. One of his hands cup my face and I rest my hands on his forearm, just relaxing into his hold.

We break apart and lay there for a few moments.

"We should probably get up." I tell him and he groans.

"How about some coffee?" I smile up at him, trying to half pout and guilt him into agreeing. "Pleeaase?"

"All right, lets go." he sighs and I hop off the couch, to head towards the bedroom to get ready.

"I need a shower." I look over my shoulder at him when I reach the door to my conjoined bedroom and bathroom, "Well? Are you joining me or not?" I wink with a suggestive smirk. His eyes widen for a split second before a smirk takes over his face and he jumps up and chases me into the bathroom.


After our impromptu shower we get dressed. I pick out a flowery sundress and he grabs a suit.

We lock the door behind us and make our way to the elevator. I quickly reach to press the button, barely beating him and give him a triumphant look. We have a game of seeing who can press the buttons first.

"Don't look so smug." He teases and reaches out to tickle me instead.

"Stop! IT!" I giggle out as he holds me to his chest while tickling me along my stomach. He just laughs in response.


The elevator doors open again and he finally stops tickling me, but doesn't remove his arms from around me.

"C'mon. Let's go!" I'm still giggling as I tug on his arms in an attempt to step off the elevator.

He swoops me up into his arms and starts carrying me towards the doors. "Put me down! I can walk! Harry!" I can't keep the serious tone to my voice and am giggling around every word.

He swiftly sets me back down, but this time in his car. How did he even get the door open? I didn't even notice. Quickly jogging around to the driver's side he hops in and starts the car. We zoom away; Harry likes to drive fast, even in our crowded area.

Soon enough we reach the little cafe I told him about. "You found that awfully quick. Are you sure you haven't been here before?" I tease.

"I just have an amazing girlfriend who gave me really good directions." He compliments and leans over to kiss me which I happily oblige to.

Again he hops out to open my door for me and offers me his arm to help me out, which I take of course. I'm on his arm as he leads me into the small shop.

As we walk in I notice a girl sitting near the window that's eyeing us, mostly Harry, with interest. Trying to ignore the looks she was giving my boyfriend I turn my attention back to him. We take a seat after ordering coffee, at a small table. He moves so he can sit immediately next to me and drape his arm around my shoulders. I sip my coffee and hum my approval before leaning my head into the crook of his neck.

After a few minutes of sipping coffee and whispering sweet words to my Harry, the girl stood up and made a lot of noise in gathering her things and throwing her empty cup. She then stormed over to stand in front of us, discretely holding a recorder in hand and glaring at me.

"So, Harry Osborn." She smiles sweetly at my Harry. "What have you been doing since you graduated?"

"Do I know you?" he raises an eyebrow at her.

"Oh, I work for Celeb Info magazine. My name is Madison."

"Um, okay.." I can tell he doesn't really want to talk to the reporter but she also looks like she won't go away anytime soon without him talking to her.

"Well, not too much. I've been relaxing before thinking about going to college. Just laying low, and staying grounded."

"And who are you? What's your name?" She turns to me now, her smile noticeably fake and forced.

"Felicia." I say simply, hoping that will satisfy her and she'll leave us alone.

"Felicia?" She examines me with extreme scrutiny. She purses her lips, "Felicia, are you aware how plain you are?"

"What?" I feel surprise slip onto my face.

"You're not good enough for Harry here. He's an Osborn, he deserves the best of the best and honey, that's just not you." She continues.

"The best of the best?" Harry raises an eyebrow again at her, and she looks like she's won some sort of prize. "Move over-" She begins, about to push me away.

"I already have the best of the best. Felicia is the most amazing girl I've ever met. So if you excuse us, we're supposed to be on a date." His voice has turned cold toward her and she looks like she's been slapped. He offers me his arm, "C'mon Felicia. Let's get going." I take his arm and we go back outside. The girl Madison, glaring holes through my head the entire way out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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