Chapter 2

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When the evening came we finally emerged from my bedroom, and took a long shower- together actually.

Finally getting dressed he led me out the door to his expensive car. He wanted to take me out tonight, and hey- I'm not going to argue. I'm pretty hungry anyways.

It takes almost no time to arrive at the luxurious restaurant and we are led to a table for two. Harry quickly pulls out my chair so I can sit before sitting in his own chair right across from me.

We hold hands across the table, something I instigated every time we went out once we really fell for each other. It was a way to stay connected for me.

After we order we begin to talk about anything and everything. There was never a full moment unwanted silence between us.

Suddenly the news on the large screen turns towards Oscorp Industries and he seems nervous, anxious even.

"What's wrong Harry?" I reach my other hand to join our clasped ones on the table.

"Nothing, don't worry about it Felicia." he still looks nervous to me

"Harry." I push, I don't want to drop it- something is bothering him. I can't help if I don't know what it is.

He looks at the TV with an uncomfortable expression when the news anchor starts talking about Norman Osborn's son- Harry Osborn.

Still confused I turn my head but he quickly grabs my chin to keep me from looking.


"Please, don't be mad. I just didn't want them to hound you."

"What?" I turn to look when he releases my chin to see his picture plastered on the screen. I must look as confused as I feel because he starts to stumble over his words, apologies.

"So you're last name is Osborn?" He nods. "You're not mad?"

"Why would I be, you wanted to protect me. And Harry-" He looks up from his hands which he had found strangely appealing to look at in the last few minutes- "I can never stay mad at you. Besides I have something I should tell you too."

Taking a deep breath I let it out all at once, "My parents used me in their experiments for cross species genetics. I was their 'guinea pig'."

His eyes widened and I could see him trying to find the appropriate response.

That's when the waiter showed up with our food. We murmured our thanks and began to slowly eat our meals in silence. Once we finish our meals we get up and he offers me his arm which I take immediately without hesitation. We go back to my apartment right away.

I sit down on the couch and he sits next to me right away. I cuddle up to him, nuzzling my head into his neck and leaning against him. "I love you Harry." I whisper to him softly, the soft music coming from the TV already lulling me to sleep. I barely hear him whisper back, "I love you Felicia." before I've drifted off to dreamland.

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