Swimming with my lover

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I come to the same spot I do every day after school, to the community pool. Why do I go there every day you ask? Well it’s not to swim, that’s for sure. Then again I do love swimming, so yeah I would go into the water now and then.

 But the real reason I came to the swimming pool, was because of the lifeguard who worked there. His name was Tyler, he had brunette hair, amazing green eyes, and a very tan and muscular body…with a six pack might I add.

                “Oh snap out of it Kyle, you’re going to start drooling if you don’t get your mind off of him,” I warned myself.

                But how couldn’t I drool all over that guy? He was just too gorgeous. The only downside was that he was almost 3 years older than me, and probably wouldn’t want anything to do with me. I mean I don’t blame him; I’m just a simple 16 year old sophomore in high school that doesn’t have many friends.

 I think the reason I had such few friends was because I had come out of the closet just a couple of months ago. It makes sense I mean, because before I had come out, I was pretty sure I had a lot more friends, but now I only have a small handful of friends.

It’s useless to me if I just keep dreaming of the impossible; because I’m pretty sure Tyler isn’t even gay. I mean I’ve come to this swimming pool for the past year now, and all I see is him flirting with a lot of skanky and slutty girls.

And I mean the really slutty girls, like the ones who are practically wearing nothing to swim in! I always hear them say stuff like “Tyler baby will you put some sunscreen on my back,” or “Tyler honey won’t you come and drink some lemonade with us,” or even “Mr. Cutie, I think I need some CPR, because you’ve just stolen my breath away from me.”

All of the flirting disgusted me, and sometimes made me a little jealous… just a little though. Because I knew in my mind that Tyler would never fall for any of their mushy shit. He was better than that, well at least that’s what I hoped. The reason I know Tyler so well, or think I know Tyler so well, if because he was best friends with my older brother Andrew. But now Andrew went off to college, leaving me all alone to fend against our complicated parents.

Tyler was skipping college for his first year and just taking some summer classes. I guess he just wasn’t ready yet or something. But that was fine with me; because that means that I get to see him more.

The whole time Tyler was friends with my brother, he paid little attention to my existence, and it was like I wasn’t even there. It was fair to me, that I was invisible to him, because he had stolen my heart away the very first time I laid my eyes on him. The first time I saw Tyler, was when I was in 8th grade, two summers ago, at the beach.

He was the first guy I had ever fallen in love with, and he was the one that made me realize that I was gay. I had never really had an attraction to girls, not once in my life. I mean I guess they were alright for friends, but they just annoyed the shit out of me most of the time.

 But then again I shouldn’t really be saying that, for my best friend is a girl. Her name is Sadie. Thankfully she was one of the few people who didn’t really care if I was gay or not, which gave me a wave of relief when I had met her.

Sadie and I shared everything with each other, secrets, music, books, and sometimes even clothes. Sadie had spent the night at my house, when I told her I was gay. But don’t worry, my parents weren’t home, instead they were on some oversea business trip for a couple of days, leaving me home to fend for myself. So I think it was safe to say that I was a pretty independent person.

I love Sadie so much, she’s funny, quirky, easy-going, and very smart, but that was probably because she was Asian. Ha-ha she hated me when I said that, she said that I sounded so stereotypical, and I probably am. The only thing that I’m still getting used to with Sadie is that she’s a really blunt and straight forward person.

How do I know this? Well the night that I told her that I was gay, she just automatically blurted out “So have you fucked a guy before? Or have been fucked by a guy before?” Yep that was my little innocent Sadie working her magic. When she had asked me that question I had grown very red in the face and actually had to cover my face with my pillow, because I was so embarrassed. I hadn’t fucked a guy before, or been fucked by a guy before.

The question was just so weird to me, that I just couldn’t really think. I mean to me, the thought of being fucked by a guy is kind of well scary. I’ve heard that it hurts… like hell! But then again I’ve also heard that it’s one of the best feelings in the world.

 So I don’t know, I just wasn’t really comfortable at the thought of having some guy’s cock in my ass, but maybe that’s just an insecurity that I have to get over. I mean that’s what gay guys do right? Is fuck other gay guys? I shuddered and shook my head of the thought.

Swimming with my lover (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now