Swimming with my lover [3]

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“Get the fuck away from him!” I yelled at them, while standing in front Tyler.

“Ha! You’ve got a lot of guts kid, for interfering, why don’t you just scamper on home now, before you get hurt,” one of the guy’s said to me. He was tall and looked around Tyler’s age.

I knew in my mind, that it was probably impossible for me to fend off both of these guys, but I had to try.

“I’m not going anymore,” I said through gritted teeth.

 I put my fists up and stood in a fighting stance, I was ready for them.

“Ha! Would you look at that Tyler, this little shrimp really thinks he can protect you,” the guy laughed hysterically.

Tyler looked at me with much worry in his eyes. I saw that blood was trickling down his mouth, thankfully I had gotten there in time before they could’ve done anything serious to actually hurt him.

“Kyle get out of here!” Tyler yelled to me.

I shook my head “I’m staying.”

“You should really listen to him Kyle, because now you’ve gotten yourself and him in a lot of trouble.” The guy said smiling at me evilly.

My hands were shaking, this guy was much bigger than me, and much stronger, there was no doubt in my mind about that, but I wasn’t going to just run away like a little scaredy cat  and leave Tyler all alone. I was going to protect him, with everything I’ve got.

I charged forward to one of the guys and swung my fist at him, I was proud to see that I had hit him right in the nose, his blood was trickling down my knuckles now, and I was amazed to see where that strength had come from.

Maybe it was because my adrenaline was pumping so much blood in my veins. I pulled back my hand and shook it, it might’ve looked like a strong punch, but it still gave me shocks of pain in my wrist.

“Why you little piece of shit,” the friend of the guy I had just hit said.

He grabbed me by my hair and before I knew it I was on the ground, with him on top of me, and he started hitting me continuously everywhere. I didn’t think I could take another hit, but I watched as  he raised his left fist to strike me once again, and I shut my eyes tightly, waiting for the impact on my face, but it never came. I opened my eyes to see that Tyler had grabbed the wrist of the guy who was on top of me.

“Get…off…of….him” Tyler said empathizing each word he said with hatred in his voice.

I searched around for the second guy, but he was nowhere to be seen, he must’ve fled off somewhere, that asshole!

“Make me!” the guy yelled at Tyler.

Something flashed in Tyler’s eyes, and he pulled up on the guy’s wrist, and practically lifted him off of me. Wow…he was strong. I mean it’s not easy lifting a guy up by just his wrist. The guy spat in Tyler’s face, and Tyler just chuckled and wiped off the spit. I blinked my eyes once and saw that Tyler had jammed his fist into the guy’s rib cage. The guy fell to the ground grabbing onto is rib cage and groaning out sounds of pain.

Tyler spat on him and took my hand.

“Come on, let’s get out of here,” he said to me.

I didn’t protest, but followed him. I would follow him anywhere. He led me to the community pool and opened the gate with his key. Since it was closed by now, I mean it was already 9 o clock at night. He sat me in a chair and went down on his knees. Scanning my body with his eyes, what was he doing? 

“Take off your shirt Kyle,” Tyler commanded me.

I was hesitant at first, because I didn’t know why he would want me to take off my shirt, but I listened to him and took off my shirt. Small bruises surrounded my body, and Tyler had this miserable look on his face that was killing me on the inside.

“Oh you poor thing,” Tyler said putting his hands softly on the spots that I had been hit.

“I’m fine really, their nothing,” I said trying to reassure him.

“But they wouldn’t have happened if I had protected you faster, I’m sorry Kyle… I’m so sorry,” Tyler said.

He put his head down, and I could hear the slightest sound of a sniffle. Was he crying?!? Because I got a couple of bruises?

“Hey… why are you crying?” I asked all worried.

“Because I couldn’t protect you, but you did everything in your power to protect me, I’m sorry Kyle” he said wiping the small tears off of his eyes.

“Its fine really Tyler, it was nothing, and don’t worry I’m fine.” I said patting his head.

“It wasn’t just anything Kyle, you saved my life,” Tyler said.

I just kept looking at Tyler; he looked so cute when he was worried.

“I don’t know what I’d do without you Kyle; it scared me when I saw that guy keep hitting you like that, the sight was unbearable.” Tyler said placing his right hand on my cheek.

“What do you mean? Why are you saying all of this Tyler?” I asked confused.

Why was he saying stuff like this to me like that he didn’t know what he’d do without me? Did he really care about me that much?

“Well I guess it’s because I’m in love with you.” Tyler said in a serious tone.

My heart stopped, completely stopped. Did Tyler really just confess his love to me? No this is a joke right? Or a dream? Well if this was a dream, I never wanted to wake up from it. I was just out of words, I didn’t know what to think or say.

“Well aren’t you going to say anything?” Tyler asked.

“You love me?” I asked in a whisper.

“Yeah, I guess I do, got a problem with that?” Tyler said looking straight into my eyes.

I shook my head slowly; I was mesmerized in his gaze. Those beautiful eyes of his had captured everything that I was.

“I didn’t think so,” Tyler chuckled before placing a moist and soft kiss onto my lips.

At first I didn’t know what to do, this was my first kiss ever, and from Tyler!

Swimming with my lover (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now