Swimming with my lover [2]

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“Hey! Watch out!” I heard someone’s voice yell.

I looked up to find where the voice had come from, and once I had done that, a beach ball, planted itself right onto my face and made me fall over onto the ground.

“Ouchhh,” I wailed as I massaged my abdomen.

“Oh my God! are you ok Kyle?” Tyler said running towards me.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I groaned out.

“Here let me help you up,” Tyler said holding his hand out for support.

I grabbed onto his hand and steadied myself onto my feet. I couldn’t believe it, so he knew my name huh. What am I thinking? Of course he knows your name you idiot! I mean he was your brother’s best friend!

“Um, thanks Tyler,” I murmured.

“Yeah no problem, I mean I got to look out for my best friend’s little bro right?” Tyler said with a smile as he ruffled my hair up.

I smiled weakly at him and nodded.

Oh the feel of his hand in my hair, it felt weird, but I didn’t want it to end. Once his hand had left my head, I tried holding back a frown. I didn’t want him to stop.

“So are you sure you’re ok?” Tyler asked once again.

“Yeah I’m sure,” I replied.

“Ok that’s good, well I guess I got to get back to work, before the girls start crying,” Tyler said starting to jog away.

I chuckled at his statement and waved goodbye to him.  It felt as if everything was in slow motion, I watched him jog off until he was on the other side of the swimming pool, getting back onto his post. I let out a little sigh, and sat back down in my chair. It made me happy, that I got the chance to talk to him, even if it was for a short while. Just to hear the tone of his voice made me smile.

“Kyle! Kyle! Kyle!!!!!” I heard Sadie yell my name repeatedly.

“WHAT!!!!” I yelled back.

She was on the other side of the community pool’s gate.

“Come on Kyle, you promised me you’d walk me home!” Sadie whined.

She was right; I had promised her to walk her home yesterday. Her parents were gone on a cruise for two weeks, and left Sadie home alone by herself; she was just like me…forcefully independent.

 Sadie didn’t like to walk home by herself when she knew her parents weren’t home, because she was very paranoid that creepers and rapists would kidnap her on her way. So nowadays I walked her home. Either that or we just go over to my house.

Sadie didn’t go to the swimming pool much, because she hated deep waters. She was scared that she was going to drown, because that’s how her aunt died four years ago, she drowned in the ocean. So now Sadie was scared to even step foot in the shallow end. I mean she wouldn’t even sit on the ledge of the pool to stick her feet in, because she was scared that she’d fall in and then drown. Sometimes I worry that Sadie can be too overly paranoid.

“So did you talk to him today?” Sadie asked me.

Sadie was the only person on this earth that knew that I had a major crush on Tyler.

“Who?” I asked playing with her.

“You know who!” Sadie said playfully back.

“Yeah I did,” I said.

“Really?!? What did you say?” Sadie asked excited.

“Well he was the one to talk to me first actually,” I said.

Sadie stopped in her track “OH MY GOD KYLE!!!!” she squealed.

“What?? Keep your voice down Sadie, the neighbors will hear you,” I said trying to calm her down.

“Fuck the neighbors Kyle, what did he say to you?” Sadie asked.

““Are you ok”…that’s what he said to me,” I replied.

“Huh? Why would he say something like that?” Sadie asked confused.

“Ha-ha funny story actually, I kind of got hit by a beach ball and well fell on my ass in front of him.” I said chuckling awkwardly.

“Oh my God Kyle!! Were you ok?” Sadie asked worried.

“Yeah I was fine really… I’ve just noticed how much you say “Oh my God”... it’s funny ha-ha” I said.

“Oh stop criticizing me!” Sadie said punching my arm.

“Ha-ha I wasn’t I swear, I said it was funny didn’t I?” I said rubbing the spot she had punched.

“Yeah yeah yeah, whatever,” she said rolling her eyes.

We had finally made it to Sadie’s house and I gave her a hug and waved goodbye. But she made me wait there until she was all the way inside the house. Yep, that’s how paranoid she is. Once I heard her front door lock, I got a text message from her.

Sadie: “Ok you can go home now, I’m safe and sound”

Kyle: “Got it, see you tomorrow”

Sadie “Bye-bye my best gay friend <3”

Kyle: “Why must you bring that up in every conversation we have?”

Sadie: “Because it’s true ;) <3”

Kyle: “Yeah yeah…bye Sadie <3”

Sadie: “Bye <3”

I put my cell phone in my pocket and started my way home. As I made my way home, I saw the most outrageous thing only a couple blocks away from me. A poor guy was being beaten up by two other guys. Once I had gotten closer I saw that it was Tyler that was getting beaten up!

 I didn’t know what happened but my instincts kicked in and I started running towards them. I shoved one of the guy’s off of him with all of my might, and to my satisfaction it caught him off guard and made him fall over.

Swimming with my lover (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now