Swimming with my lover [4]

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After the kiss he looked up at me with his eyes glistening in the moonlight.

“Why me?” I whispered.

“I don’t know, I guess you had me at “I’m not going anywhere”… you risked your life just for me, and I thought in my head at that moment, yes, he is the one, I have to have him,” Tyler said closing his eyes as if he were traveling back in time to that very moment.

“But I didn’t think you were gay,” I said.

“No one does, the only person who knew was your brother,” Tyler admitted.

“Wow… I would have never known.” I said completely shocked.

“Kyle…” Tyler called out my name with his soothing voice.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“Do you love me?” He asked with seriousness.

“Of course I do!” I blurted out. With those words spilling out of my lips, I began to blush, but thankfully it was too dark for Tyler to notice. But then the redness in my cheeks was visible to him as the pool lights turned on.

Tyler smiled at me, and I could literally see the pure happiness in his eyes. He leaned up towards me and brought both of us into a passionate and long kiss. This time I responded back, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Tyler lifted me up and started walking towards the swimming pool. What was he planning on doing? I wished I hadn’t asked that question, because once I had thought it, Tyler threw me in the pool.

I gasped as my body hit the cold water, and I went under. I reached the surface again, and I watched as Tyler was taking off his shirt, for he already was in his swimming trunks. He got a running start and then jumped into the pool right next to me.

“W.h.h.at..was that for?” I asked shivering a little.

“What? I wanted to go swimming?” he said innocently.

“We..e.ll… you could’ve..just…ask..k..ed.” I stuttered out.

“Now what fun would that have been?” he asked playfully.

I rolled my eyes at him and stuck out my tongue. He swam closer to my and kissed my tongue. I gave out a little yell, wait? What did he just do? Did he really just kiss my tongue? Tyler laughed at how shocked I looked, and pulled me closer to him. He lifted me up and kissed me again, I wrapped my legs around him, pressing our bodies even closer than they were before.

This felt so good, and I never wanted it to end. Tyler walked backwards and sat on the steps of the pool with me on his lap. He took off my shirt that I was still wearing, and tossed it to the side.

 He went back to my lips and licked and nibbled on the bottom of my lips, asking for entrance, but I wouldn’t give it to him. Then he instantly bit my ear and I gasped, and then he took his chance and invaded my mouth with his tongue, playing roughly with mine.

This was the first time I was doing this, and surprisingly it felt really good. Him this close to me felt really good. I don’t know what came over me, but when Tyler started tracing his fingers down my back it made little electric shocks go up my spine and there was a weird bulge in my pants, had I become hard?

Oh no this was the worst, I was completely hard, and Tyler will notice sooner or later. This is absolutely embarrassing. I covered the embarrassment that was on my face with my hands and Tyler became confused.

“What’s wrong?” Tyler asked.

I shook my head violently.

“Are you ok Kyle?”

Swimming with my lover (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now