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  • Dedicated to My Dreams

  Part One

Chapter One: Part One:

June 1st, 2040 

Robert Sherman

We had taken weeks on this project, and now, it was time to try it out.  The instructor looked expectantly at us as we waited for our next instructions.  Before she even let a word pop out of her mouth I knew what she was going to say.

"Are there any volunteers?"

I raised my hand from the back of the room.  I was more prepared than any of these people sitting around me.  I had done countless research on the era we were going into, and I would know how to handle everything perfectly.  The instructor seemed to know that I was going to volunteer because her eyes glued to mine and she started to nod.


I stood up and walked nervously to the front of the room.  What ever lay beyond that portal was going to change my life forever.

June 1st, 2011

Sara Watson

I stood next to the counter, trying hard not to laugh.  My best friend's face was redder than it had ever been before.

"It's not funny," she scolded me, trying hard not to laugh herself.

"You should have seen your face when you did that," I chuckled out.  She had just climbed the highest of the rock walls and had somehow managed to slip.  Her scream echoed across the gym, making everyone's head turn to her and stare for a few moments before going back to whatever they were doing.  (I can just imagine how embarrassed she was at that moment.)  Of course she wasn't in any danger because of the security belt she was wearing, but she had thought she was going to die.  Now, on the ground, she was glaring at me while trying not to laugh.

"Yeah, yeah, let's laugh at my near death experience," she agreed while turning in circles with her hands in the air: trying to get others to laugh also.

"You know it was funny," I replied, trying to stifle another laugh.  She socked me in the shoulder before starting to leave the gym.

"Let's go before I become famous," she responded, throwing her jacket over her shoulder.  We exited the building without another word.


 Later in the night I reiterated the whole scene to my mom as she sat on the couch knitting... yes, knitting... how embarrassing.  Anyway, she would look at me through her eyelashes and then look back down at her work.

"Well I've got to get home, I'll see you tomorrow, mom," I bent down and kissed her quickly on the cheek.  She did the same to me.  I waved as I left the room.

My car wasn't anything special, just a broken down Volkswagen beetle with sad looking leather seats.  The color wasn't that great either, it was peeling at several places, but I couldn't help but like the green paint that had once been shiny.

I put the car in reverse and looked in my rear view mirror to check if anyone was there, and there wasn't.  So I proceeded to back up when I felt my car hit something.  I slammed on the brakes and put my car in park.  I swiftly got out and walked curiously to the back of my car.  There was a man on the ground, and boy was he cute.

"Are you okay?" I asked nervously, "Did I hit you?  I didn't see you... oh my goodness, are you bleeding?"  I hurried to his side and knelt next to him.

"I'm fine," he replied, looking up at me.  Our eyes met, making the universe stop.  He has the greenest eyes ever!

"Are you sure?"

"To prove it to you, I'll stand up, okay?" he put his hands beneath his body and started to stand up.  That's when I noticed how tall he is.  Well, he isn't that tall, but about a head taller than me.

"W-what's you're name?" I asked suddenly.  I was a bit curious, after all it was like he had appeared in thin air!

"It's Robert, but you can call me Robbie," he flashed a smile.  I had never seen teeth as white as his, they almost glowed!

"I'm Sara," I stuck out my hand and he took it in a firm handshake.

"It's nice to meet you, Sara.  Next time I hope we'll meet more... formally."

I blushed, realizing that he was talking about me hitting him.

"Do you know any good hotels?  Or apartments?  I'm new to the area and I don't know where everything is..." he looked around helplessly.  "I don't even know where I am right now..."

"Oh... yes, there's actually an apartment for sell... it's right in my apartment building.  I could drive you there if you'd like."

"Sure, thanks." His eyes looked around nervously before landing on me again.  "If it's not too much trouble..."

"Not at all."

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