Chapter Four: Part Three

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  • Dedicated to All my fans that have stuck with me this far



June 3rd, 2011

Robert Sherman

"That'll be four dollars and thirty-six cents," the lady at the cash register said.  I dug out a five dollar bill and gave it to her.

"Keep the change," I muttered, quickly gathering my tortilla wrap and strawberry milk from the counter.

"Thank you for shopping at Burt's BusiMart," she smiled warmly and I smiled back.

"You're welcome."

I took my spoils outside and walked back to the bench I had been sitting on earlier.  I swiftly  unwrapped my cold tortilla wrap, throwing the plastic container in the near-by garbage can, and started to munch on it.  It was good for only having chicken, lettuce, some kind of sauce, and pickles sliced onto it.  I groaned in delight.  It was the first thing I've had all day!

Suddenly I remembered that I wasn't as lost as I previously thought.  Putting my wrap down on the paper it had come out of, I dug through my pockets to find my new cell phone.  I had absolutely no idea how to use it correctly, but I would at least try.  In fact, last night I had figured out how to do my contacts.  I quickly scrolled through the menu and found the word 'contacts' before clicking on it.  Sara's number was the only one that showed up.  Of course there wouldn't be other people in there yet....

I stared at the number for a second before closing my phone.  I can't bother her this early in the morning!  She's probably still asleep in her comfy, warm bed...  plus, it's only nine o'clock, way to early to start a day off... but then again, I was up at six.  I shrugged my shoulders and finished off my cold tortilla, then, to wash it down, I opened my strawberry milk and chugged it down.  It was sweet on my taste buds.

Since I wasn't going to be bugging Sara this early in the morning, I might as well take a walk in the park.  I got up, already making up my mind for now, and started walking on the path leading through a bunch of beautiful trees.  In the middle of the trees I spotted a gnarled old trunk of a giant tree, and sat down on it.

"It's a beautiful place, isn't it?" a lady's voice started.  I looked up, startled to see a lady about my age with black hair flowing down her shoulders.  "I like to come here in the mornings.  It helps me to think.  The beach is down a few paces... if you want to look at it."  I eyed her suspiciously.  She didn't seem, or look, like the kind of person to enjoy a nice walk in the morning.   She was dressed in grey skinny jeans, a tight, black undershirt, and a slightly greyer sweater than her undershirt.  I couldn't help but notice that it wasn't zipped up at all.

I had the feeling that she just wanted me out of her spot, so, to tease, I shrugged my shoulders.  "Nah... water makes me feel nervous."

"I know what you mean," she started to laugh airily.  She scrutinized me for a second before sitting next to me.  After a moment of awkward silence I decided to break it.

"So..." I turned slightly to her, indicating I was talking to her.  "What is a beautiful young lady doing alone?"  She raised her eyebrows and then looked at me suspiciously.

"Why would it matter to you?" she asked, a bit of coldness in her voice.  "Unless you're going to kidnap me or something, I wouldn't think it'd bother you."

"It doesn't bother me..." I replied, searching for an answer.  "It's just kind of dangerous, don't you think?"

She rolled her eyes.  "If you think about it, life in general is dangerous anyway..."  She does have a point there.  I shrugged and got up to stretch.

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