Chapter One: Part Three

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I'm beginning to think that this is going to be a very LONG book.  I thought I could make it short, but now I'm not so sure... sorry to everyone out there that wants a short story!  It's just not going to work out that way...


June 1st, 2011

Robert Sherman

I slapped my hand to my face in an attempt to keep out the light.  Why would their lights be brighter than 2040?  Do they have more power, or do we just have sensitive eyes and need less light?  I decided that, because of the chemical we take for our eyes to be brighter, our eyes would be more sensitive to the light.  That had to be it.

"Are you okay?  Do you have a headache?" Sara's voice was full of concern, and I felt her come to stand next to me and put her hands on mine.

"Nah, it's just the lights... they're way too bright!" she started to pull off my hands, and I would have let her too, but as she stepped forward her knee brushed against my bruised one and I let out a tiny moan of pain.  She stepped backwards immediately and muttered something to herself.

"Would you like sunglasses?" her voice was still one of concern.  I nodded my head, not trusting myself to speak just yet.  She was suddenly putting the sunglasses in my hands... that was quick... where did she get them from?

"Thank you, that's much better."  the light was instantly less bright and I was able to look around for the first time.  It wasn't a big room: there were two recliners with a small nightstand between them, an entertainment center with a plasma screen TV, and a small, metal book shelf with a bunch of text books on it.

"Well..." she started, "I'm just going to call my landlord now..."

"Go ahead," I replied.  I wouldn't mind looking around a bit more... that's when I noticed her don't-steal-anything face.  I reassured her with a smile.

She flipped out her phone and practically ran to her bedroom, or what I thought was her bedroom, and shut the door.  I walked over to the bookshelf and looked at the contents.  It turned out that there were lots of different books other than textbooks.  There was A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, a book of fairy tales, the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, and Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

There were lots more, but Sara came from her bedroom just then, and I stepped away from the shelf.  She looked at me curiously.

"My landlord is coming by in five minutes."

"Great... I'll just wait outside for him, then."  I stood awkwardly for a second, and then started to walk for the door.  She offered for me to stay, but I shook it off.  "I'd rather stay outside... and thanks for the sunglasses."  I slipped them off and handed them to her.  She took them and slipped them into her hair.

I brushed past her and out the door.  Closing it behind me I let out a satisfactory sigh.  It's so good to be outside again!

June 1st, 2011

Sara Watson

I turned from Robbie and started for my bedroom.  There was so much to talk about, yet so little time!  I hurriedly texted Kelly about what happened and then dialed my landlord's number.  He picked up on the first ring.

"Hello?  Is this Alan?"

"Yes.  What do you want?"

"I found someone to take the apartment next to mine," I offered.  He seemed to think for a second.

"Who is it?"

"A guy named Robert.  He's new to this area, from Idaho?  Anyway, he's moving down here and needs a place to stay.  Can you meet with him tonight?"

"I guess so.  I'll be over in five minutes."

"Thanks, bye--" he already hung up.  I sighed and rolled my eyes, and then checked to see if Kelly had texted back yet.

Kelly: Is he romantic?

Sara: Of course not.

I flipped the phone shut and walked from the bedroom.  Robbie was standing next to the bookshelf, admiring all the books.  I was about to ask if he'd like to read one, but then thought better of it.  If he wanted to read he would have his own books...

"My landlord is coming by in five minutes."

"Great... I'll just wait outside for him, then."  He seemed to be waiting for my answer, but before I could say anything he started to walk swiftly to the door.

"Wait, you don't have to wait for him outside." He shrugged me off and seemed to remember the sunglasses at the same moment.

"I'd rather stay outside... and thanks for the sunglasses."  He handed them to me and then left.  I didn't have time to say goodbye.  I probably won't see him again if he doesn't move in next door...

I flopped down onto one of the recliners and waited for Kelly to text back.

Kelly: You'll have to tell me about it tomorrow when we go rock climbing again.

Sara: We can talk when we're slipping on the rocks... :)

Kelly: Don't remind me

Sara: See ya tomorrow

Kelly: Kay

I shut the phone and walked slowly to my bedroom.  Tonight would be a long night.

June 1st, 2011

Robert Sherman

I sat on her cold porch and looked across the road.  There was a light blue car coming this way, so I stood up expectantly.  The car parked and a guy, with slicked back hair and a dark suit, climbed out of it.  He ran his hand through his hair nervously and then walked up to me.

"You Robert?"

"Yes."  I stuck out my hand and he shook it.

"I'm Alan.  Want that apartment?" he nodded towards the right of Sara's apartment.


"Want it badly enough to pay eight-hundred dollars for it?  Each month, might I add."

I hesitated but then remembered that I had tons of money for this job to get done, "Yes."

"Then let's get this over with."

We spent the next few hours discussing the rent and what I'd have to do if I wanted to keep the apartment.  At the end of it all I had a key to the lock and the signed papers saying that I had agreed to pay rent.

"I already provided a bed.  You'll have to provide everything else."

"Thank you," I replied.  "It was nice to meet... you--" by the time I had gotten the thank you out and turned to Alan, he was already in his car and driving away without a goodbye.  I shrugged and put the key into the lock and turned it.  I guess I'll have to get used to the lights some day or another...

June 1st 2011

Sara Watson

Kelly: What time do you want to meet tomorrow?

Sara: The usual 10

Kelly: Are you bringing him?

Sara: No.  I don't even know if he's planning on being in this area tomorrow.  I didn't even get to see if Alan let him buy the apartment next door

Kelly: Bummer

Sara: Go to bed Kelly

Kelly: Fine, but you're not off the hook!

I turned the phone off and set it next to my bed on the oak night stand.  If I let her, Kelly would take the whole night to text about this.  She would just have to wait till tomorrow for the whole story.

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