Chapter Four: Part Two

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Okay, so I didn't really look through this yet so there's probably lots of mistakes that I'll have to go over when I read through it.  Be happy that I actually updated this part! :D  Have fun reading it, please vote and comment when you want to, and... that's pretty much it.  Thanks for reading!

June 3rd, 2011

Robert Sherman

"It'll cost you money," the car dealer teased as I walked up to a brand new Toyota truck.

"Don't they all?" I questioned.  I had been walking out here for hours and hadn't seen anything I liked.  "I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm interested in any of these..." I forced a small smile at the car dealer.

"Are you sure?  We could give you a really nice deal..." I pursed my lips into a tight line and refrained from rolling my eyes.  These car people were really persistent.

"No thank you.  I'm going to go now."

"Alright..." he finally gave up.  "I hope to see you soon."

Too bad... it's not going to happen today.

I smiled reassuringly instead of saying that out loud and started to walk away from the guy.  He raised his hand to his forehead and wiped off a few droplets of sweat that had formed.  It really was hot today... probably more than it had been since I got here.

With those thoughts I started towards the sidewalk.  I knew I didn't have much time here, maybe a month or two at the most.  I sighed and for the first time realized that I couldn't have a relationship.  Even if I did want to get to know Sara it couldn't go very far.  I sighed again.

"Tough day?" I jumped and looked over to see an old man standing on the corner.  His face had deep wrinkles in them, indicating that he had some years on him.  He wore overalls and a straw hat on his bald head.  I smiled sheepishly.

"Yes," I replied.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked sincerely.  I shook my head no.  An old man probably doesn't want to hear about all my troubles... and what am I going to say anyway: I'm from 2040 and I'm in love with a 2011 girl!  I shook that from my head as the old man started to talk again.  "It makes you feel better."

"You have a point," I replied, laughing.  He laughed along with his frail voice.  "It's just that..." I started.  "You see... there's this girl..."

"I know how that is," the old man huffed.  "Go on."

"Well, I don't know if she likes me back... but I can't even get to the point of marriage because..."  I stopped and looked at the man undoubtedly.  He wouldn't believe me if I told him I was from 2040.

"Because?" the old man prompted softly.

"Because I go home in a few months," I finished lamely.  It was true.  I was going back to 2040 in two to three months, and besides, if I did get to know Sara I'd break her heart when I left.  The old man broke me from my reverie.

"I know how you feel."

"You do?" I asked, turning to stare at him.  This old, wrinkly man, was telling me that he knew how I felt?

"Sure.  I went to college, back in my spunky day," he paused to chuckle, "and found a real pretty girl... blue eyes, creamy hair... she was real fine.  But," he paused for effect, "I knew I couldn't have her so I stayed my distance."

"Are you saying that I shouldn't get to know her?" I asked bewildered.  I had already taken Sara out on several dates, and was already falling in love with her.

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