The Signless' Story

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-1,000,000 BH (before Hussie)-

The planet of Beforus was ruled by the origanal Condence. This was when the alpha trolls were still wigglers

While a certain Kankri wiggler is being raised by a lusus the signless his real father was as usual in his courtship with his three best followers the Psiioniic, the Dolorosa and the Disciple he was in the middle of his greatest pep-talk yet as they were about to confront the Condence about overthrowing her.

"Welc6me my f6ll9wers t6 this very special meeting ab6ut the rising chrisis c6ncerning the C6ndence. T6day we will be free. T6day we will rise up and assume p6wer 6ver the thr6ne. S6 my friends let us g6 t6 the C6ndence."

A huge roar of excitement spread through the room, Trolls cheering from the top of their voice, wine glasses clinking together as people made a toast to the Signless and the hope he gave Beforus.

The Signless, Dolorosa, Disciple and Psiioniic walked up to the Condence's outpost on the surface. They charged in through the huge doors were a horrible sight befell them. They had entered a dull yet colourful room. The walls were covered with... Troll blood!

Sitting in a big chair in the middle of the room was who other than the Condence's
right-hand subjuggulator the Grand Highblood. "69h shit"

"WeLl HeLlO tHeRe LoWbLoOd ScUmBaGs AnD tHe DiScIpLe."
"Stay away fr6m her!!!"
"WeLl WeLl WeLl WhAt HaVe We HeRe, oH iT'S yOu ThE lOwEsT oF tHe LoW."

Hearing this the guards instantly sprung at Signless and the Grand Highblood sentanced him to death by crucifiction. He was then chained and suspended from the castle walls. The Disciple was forced to watch it all. She was left crying over a pool of his mutant blood...

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