The Handmaid's story

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When the Handmaid was ectobiologicaly created by future/past Karkat insted of going through her trials Doc Scratch omnichiently brought her to his green mansion to serve him.

Because the Handmaid was lowest blood (aside mutant blood) Doc Scratch gave her powers beyond her imagination. She was now an immortal "demon" as described by the Condence.

She tought that "speech is privellige." she learned only to talk not in English but Japanese for unknown reasons.

In her Teenage years she learned she was being treated like a slave. She had now learned to think for herself and tried countlessly to escape but failed.

One day as Doc Scratch was buisy looking into his magic cue ball she flew back to Beforus to stop the Condence's rain of terror.

She finnaly reached Beforus from the GREEN SUN and found the condence's flagship.

When she got there she threatened her saying "Realease Beforus from your grasp." But she could only speak Japanese so the Condence understood nothing.

She pointed her white needles a the Condence's face but as she looked into her eyes she had a flashback to when they were just wigglers. It is unknown what this flashback was but it made the Handmaid cry and as the Condence stabbed her through the heart she managed to speak some English and said "Thank yOu."

This was the first time the Condence acctually felt sorry for killing someone.

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