Chapter 1

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So, here I am, sitting here with my best friend. "Jack Daniels" some say that he's bad for me but, I have rather grown an affinity for his company. He's always with me, the good times or the bad. I feel dizzy, woozy, or some other synonym for really drunk main point is. I've drunk about 4 bottles of my dear friend and I can't even feel my legs, or my arms, brain, heartbeat, it hurts to think. So I don't. It's far too complicated to perform a basic maneuver like adjusting myself. Someone keeps calling me but I can't pick up the phone, I forgot how to. I've even tried to reach my phone to call 911 due to my alcohol poisoning I've just given myself. But sadly I failed.
As I can feel the pace of my heart slowing down, I recollect this past couple of months and can't help but smile. These were, if not the best months of my life. I met seven of the greatest people to ever come into my life. I lost five great people as well, so if you're a math enthusiast, you could say I have a balance of +2 great people in my life currently. So many wonderful things have happened I don't even want to think about it. I can't actually for two reasons. What I do remember can't help but bring tears to my eyes. (tears of joy) I'm not one to be sentimental but I can't help it. I think it's Jack. This is the best decision though, it's an ideal way to die. Here in the company of my dear friend Jack. Even thought I have a balance of +2 great people. It's just not worth it.
The more the memories float around in my brain the more aggravating it is. I just can't get them out of my head, but when I want to. For example: Use my phone to call my sweet Barbara. Or maybe call 911 and maybe say "Hey guys, I've ingested vast amounts of alcohol that are poisonous to the human body and I'm on the cliff of death and about to let go." I wish I hadn't done this. I know what everybody is going to think. "What a coward" and I'm not! I made myself a promise. Not because I couldn't handle life. Well maybe I couldn't. But that's not how I want to go. Not a coward. Not me, I'm as brave as they come. I go out in the rain. Without an Umbrella.
I uhm, ride the night Bus by myself. I once saved a squirrel from a weird looking Cat. That was a weeeeeird cat. I guess I'm not so brave. I'm a coward and I took the coward's way out. I'm sorry World, I'm sorry Mom, Father, Barbara, Alex, Matthew, Jayden, Jack, Angela, Madeline. All of you guys. I love you all and I hope you live long and prosper. One thing about Jack Daniels. Whenever you hangout with him, he makes you sleepy. And right now, I am feeling very sleepy. Thing is I don't usually hangout with him as much so I might not wake up. Well, I had a good run. Hey, I hear Jack right now. Wait, Jack? Is that you? I'm in here man! Please help me. I don't want to die. Break the door. Please.
"Hey guys, when was the last time you heard from Jacob" says Barbara. Barbara, Alex and Jayden were all hanging out at the usual spot. "I haven't heard from him since the other night" Alex says with a smirk on his face. "Same here" says Jayden. They all casually just breeze it off, knowing that Jacob has always come and go as he pleases and there were times where they'd go days or even weeks where they wouldn't hear from him but this time was a little different. especially not after night like the other one. Alex begins to be concerned about Jacob so he asks them all if they've seen Jacob or even heard from him. All of them reply with the same answer "No not since the other night, He was acting weird so I'm not surprised"
"I don't understand why you guys are obsessing over Jacob, He's always been like this what changes things now?" Says Barbara to the others. "Let's call Jacob's Mom" says Matthew. So Jayden does. "Hey Ms. Watson, This is Jayden, is Jacob grounded?Because we haven't heard from him in about two weeks and we're worried about him." There's a short pause and then she replies with "Of course he isn't grounded, I thought he's been hanging out with you the past few days? He hasn't been home, actually he left about three hours ago I assumed he was with you! Where is he?" The news is shocking to the whole group and a lot of questions arise but Jayden just replies with the basic "Well I don't know where he is, but if I hear from him I will call you". At this time Jacob's Mom had already hung up. Barbara is now considerably worried for Jacob but refuses to show it to the others. Doesn't want to reveal that side of her to anybody. As everybody is still discussing what's wrong with Jacob. Alex suspects something is wrong and starts to pry and bug her about what happened the other night with Jacob that she seems extra sheltered and closed off. Above her normal level.
"C'mon Jacob, pick up the phone!" Barbara frantically says into Jacob's voicemail. He always picks up her phone calls. Literally. Every. Single. One. But now here he is missing his seventh phone call. Barbara calls several more times before tears start to flow from her eyes not enough to cry, but enough to make her vision foggy enough to where she can't type in his number anymore. She starts to cry and wonder what he's doing. Then She tells herself "No, why are you crying!? He's perfectly fine. Wherever he is, whatever he's doing, He is perfectly fine." as she wipes the tears from her eyes she manages to dial it once more. Still no answer.
"Hey Jacob!" Jack screams up to the squad treehouse. No response. Jack has never skated this fast or pushed so hard traveling between all the normal hangout spots of Jacob. "YO JACOB!" Jack screams into the sewers. Still nothing back. Jack is too busy and concerned to worry about traffic signals or oncoming traffic. Risking his life for a friend. Jack decides maybe Jacob is home. So he pays a visit to the Watson Household. Jacob's little Sister answers the door. Jack can't remember Jacob's little Sisters name for the life of him. "Hey cutie, I forgot my Shirt in Jacob's room can you let me in to come get it?" she looks at him with a little smile and says "Yeah go ahead". Jack had never felt so tense as he walked into the house. One look to the right and there are two police officers sitting at a table with Jacob's mother. There's a note written by Jacob on the table. She immediately stands up and walks towards Jack. He could see the look of despair on Jacob's Mother's face "Please tell me you've heard from him?" Jack answers her question with a question "Can I go into his room to see if he left any other signs or clues as to why he left?" By this time tears are already flowing down her face and she starts to cry. Jack gives Her a hug and gives her the little hope she needs "Wherever he is, I'm going to find him" Jack then leaves and starts to think. A while back (About a month or two) Him and Jacob had been smoking a lot and Jack remembered Jacob saying "Dude I could just die here" Jack couldn't know why, but he skated faster than he ever had before. Directly to the Abandoned house they discovered a while back.
"Jack! have you heard from Jacob!?" Barbara is desperately screaming to Jack over the phone. Jack had just stopped skating because he was just getting to Jacob's house when she called him. He just replies "No, I just got to his house, I'm going to see if he left anything for us to find him. But hey, I gotta go so just keep calling his cell phone." He can hear her sniffling and she mutters back an "okay." 20 minutes later her phone starts ringing. She barely lets it ring before picking it up "Jack? Did you talk to him? Is he okay? What happened?" Jack replies with "No, I haven't. But I think I might know where he is. Can I call you back?" She just hangs up. Her stomach might as well be in Hell with how with how much it's dropped. She cries for about 20 minutes and manages to call Jacob once more. This time. Somebody answers the phone.
"Hey! Jacob! Bro you in here?" Jack says as he walks through the back door of the abandoned house. He can almost feel Jacob's presence. He walks through the house and can hear a somebody mumbling. But due to the house's huge vacancy and hollow walls, Jack can't exactly pin point where the mumbling is coming from. So he checks every room and the sound gradually is getting louder then he finally hears Jacob's voice mutter "Jack? Is that you? I locked the door. Just break it down." The door is a little sturdier than an average door but Jack is a little stronger than an average teenager. He finally manages to break down the door and finally finds Jacob. Littered with alcohol and the smell of Jack Daniels fills the air. Jacob's body is lying there. He's un-responsive and his eyes are barely open and Jack is frantically searching for his phone. On a normal day he could've just reached into his pocket and found his phone in less than 2 seconds. But for this weird occasion, grabbing his phone seemed to be the hardest most complicated objective in his entire existence. But finally Jack manages to Call 911. The Ambulance arrives. After they leave with Jacob, Jack sits there. Confused, perhaps just watched his best friend Jacob die. He'd been sitting there for maybe not even 2 minutes. He hears a phone ringing. But not his. It's Jacobs! Barbara is calling. He picks it up. "Hello?"
"JACOB YOU HAD ME WORRIED SI... Jack? Why'd you pick up? Where's Jacob? What happened to him?" Jack doesn't even know what to say but he manages to blurt out "Jacob's dead, I seen him. He gave himself alcohol poisoning. When I got here he was practically dead and rambling about something" At this news Barbara can't find words for what she wants to say "What was he rambling about?" Barbara manages to say. "He said something about a promise he made to himself, I couldn't understand everything else" Barbara instantly froze. She dropped her phone "Barbara? Hello? Are you there? Barbara!?" At this point Barbara is sobbing un-controllably barely pausing between moans to catch a breath. She felt hopeless, breathless. She picks up the phone and barely says "I gotta go Jack". This ends the phone call. Leaving Jack again. By himself at the scene of the crime. He never took longer to get home. When he arrives home he just sends a mass text to all of the members of the squad "Hey Guys, Jacob gave himself alcohol poisoning and I think he's dead or dying. He's at Tampa General Hospital for those who want to find out" almost immediately he get's responses back from everybody. From Alex "Damn dude, Where was he when you found him?" From Matthew "WHAT!? ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!? WHY WOULD HE DO THAT!?" From Jayden "WHAT THE HELL, TELL ME YOU'RE JOKING DUDE" From Madeline "OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE IT, TELL ME YOU'RE JOKING" From Angela "Oh Wow, I should've called him yesterday. I was going to but I just forgot. Omg. Why did he do that."

Jack never intended to reply. He was far too distraught to text or talk. The vision of Jacob repeating over and over in his brain. Thinking if there was anything different he could've done. Racing over the possibilities in his head, knowing he couldn't do anything different and that he's stuck with the basic reality that Jacob's dead. Jack just sits in his room. A number has been calling his cell phone repeatedly. It looks familiar so he finally picks it up. "Hello?" Jack just barely manages to speak. He can hear a lot of noises and commotion on the other side of the line. He repeats himself, This time it's a little more firm "Hello?" Then Jack recognizes the voice. It's Jacob's Mother "Hey Jack, Jacob's awake and he wants to see you" At this moment Jack spring up from his bed "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I THOUGHT HE WAS DE... I mean *ahem* What room are you in?" By this time Jack is already putting his shoes on and heading out the door "We're in room 204 at Florida Hospital" Jack questions her "I thought he was at Tampa General?" She almost answers his question before he finishes "Tampa General doesn't have the proper machinery and they couldn't help Jacob anymore so he was transferred here" Jack just replies with "Oh. okay. Please keep me posted I'm on my way" She says "Okay, See you soon" Jack hops into his car and starts driving towards Florida Hospital. Again. Too busy or concerned to worry about traffic signals and oncoming traffic.

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