Chapter 4

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It's been about a week since I came back from a Church Summer camp, it's still Summer break and I'm hanging out with my friend Jack at one of the many parks we go to. "Biltmore Park". It's a small little park but is still a really nice place to chill with the bro. I hadn't seen him since I left for camp so we catch up and that day just seemed like any other. Playing games of "S.K.A.T.E." and learning new tricks. We had been out there for a while and I was actually getting ready to leave and then we saw them.

Two girls off in the distance. I normally would not have payed any mind to two random chicks walking around a park. I just wasn't looking for anybody. Especially not after Madeline. But Jack on the other hand is, how do you say? "A thirsty Hoe"? Yeah, but there's 2 of them so by default he gives me the less beautiful of the two. Do not get me wrong, They are very attractive girls, but I just wasn't ready for the "Dating Game". They are getting closer and then. It happened. I saw them each holding something. Oh no that can't be what I think it is, Yes it is. It's a skateboard. This is what I call "Instant Girlfriends". Something about skater chicks really gets me. "Let's see who can get their numbers first" says Jack with a grin on his face. "You're on bro. Loser takes his pants off as soon as the digits are received" We shook on it and I start approaching the girls.

"Hey Girls" I say with a suave tone of voice and smile combo. I get one of them to smile so I know who my target is now. "Hey" they both say almost perfectly synced. I continue with a classic "What are your name's?" I performed this sentence with utmost confidence and skill. Not a single studder "I'm Jennifer" The blonde one says but I barely pay attention "I'm Barbara" The absolutely gorgeous one says with a voice as soothing as 1,000 feather's from an Angel's wing. Her whole entire existence throws me off so much that I can't even remember her name. Smooth I know. So I ask her again "What's your name?" this time I know my face is blushing from embarrassment. So I quickly change the subject "So how long have you been skateboarding?" I ask as if nothing ever happened. She then goes into this long explanation of how long she's been skating but really she's been skating for maybe two years. By now Jack is already talking to Jennifer so, Barbara is all mine (so to speak).

Barbara And I play the most boring game of S.K.A.T.E. I've ever played but it was fun for me, I got to show off my Insanely Skills of Awesomeness to her. Which meant me falling and getting all red faced but apparently it was cute so win for me. I had music playing in my ear and I started singing along and wouldn't you know. She starts singing along too. A lot better than I. Actually, Perfectly nailing ever note with utter precision and harmony. The sound of the Heaven in a frequency in which I could hear with my mortal ears. She just get's me weirdly. I cannot nearly begin to explain the charm of this Beautiful creature. She's weird, quirky, hilarious, serious, intellectual, beautiful. I really like this girl.

There's something about this girl, She's different than any other girl I've ever met she has this way about her. We hit it off really well, We have the same taste in music and the same sense of humor and wow. The way she smiles I know it's sincere. I shower her with Compliments every way I can. She's probably the hottest girl I've talked to for this long and She's not bored of me! Please Lord sweet Baby Jesus somebody pinch me. This Girl is Awesome! Easily the best 4 hours I've ever had with any girl in my entire puny existence on this Green Earth. I cannot put this feeling in comparison with any other. We spent the rest of the afternoon talking about how Everybody in the world see's the same Sky. Little did I know there would be many more days like this. "Hey, Where's your friend and Jennifer?" Barbara says with a smurk "I really don't know. Knowing Jack? I feel bad for her" I say with the weirdest tone but I quickly fix that with an awkward smile "Hey? We should hangout more often, do you live around here?" I ask her. "Oh my God yes we should, and Yup I live like 5 minutes from here." Her face changes a little bit. In a good way though. "Well none of that is going to happen unless I get your number" I say with extra suave. "Of course it won't, you'll have to find me" She says playfully. Never have I ever been more attracted to a girl. So I ask her "Where do I look?" sarcastically. She then replies with a piece of paper with 10 digits on it "Call this Number to find out" She says with a wink and smile. Now this could two ways. That could be her cell phone. OR. That could be her grandma that lives in West Virginia, or even worse. Her boyfriend. Either way it's still totally worth going for.

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