Chapter 5

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Alex: I've know Alex for about 5 years but I've only started hanging out with him for maybe a little over 2 years. We met at the Church that I go to. We have a pretty chill past share a couple likes and dislikes including our love for skateboarding but overall we're pretty good friends I'd say. I've slept over at his house, I get along with his brothers as well His Parents. We can hold a conversation forever and it be meaningful. He's a little taller than me and more built muscle wise than me. Skin the shade of the worlds best Khaki's. His arms hang just a little bit lower than everybody else's. He's gotten me out of a lot of trouble when it comes to sneaking out. Normally he'll just say I'm sleeping over at his house when I have no intention to just so I can sneak out. Overall he's a really good friend of mine. I base my friendships on if I'd miss them if they were dead, and I would miss him so He's pretty far up there. He introduced me to the other side after all and I couldn't thank him enough for that.

Matthew: I have known Matthew for about 3 years and he's a good friend. We've been through a lot together and had a lot of adventures together. Broken into schools after hours, Skipped school together, We've smoked a lot together. Stolen food, Clothes, watches, Headphones, Camera's. We skate together a lot. He's just a good people person. Never a dull moment for this guy. Always a busy body this one. He sometimes gets really annoying but for some reason you can't stay mad at him. He has a nice pair of Brown eyes so his puppy eyes get you every time. Which make up for his unforgiving looking body frame. He's a lanky fellow but he's short and tan. So it just looks like he's a malnourished Mexican. He's got a decent sized head and a funny looking face. I'd miss him if he were dead for sure.

Jayden: I've known Jayden for the least amount of time out of the whole squad. He's a very comical guy, always a funny remark or joke for something. A real smooth talker, but not with the ladies. He's still hasn't slid his "V-card" if you know what I mean. He could easily pull chicks if it wasn't for the fact that he has a bit of an acne problem and He's shorter than most girls his age, and occasionally he's shorter than girls younger than him. I feel bad for the guy but he's still got some time for growing. On the other hand, he is considerably short but that doesn't erase the fact that he is pretty muscular for a short guy. He reminds me of a Pit-bull in a manner of speaking. The first time I met him he was really weird and his acne was a lot worse. He just seemed like a pretty sheltered individual. Never smoked nor have drank any alcohol of any sort (Not even a sip from his Daddy's beer) Then again, Neither had I. I'm not really close to him though. Alex and Him and better friends than Him and I, he's an acquaintance, a skate buddy, a friend of a friend. I would be sad if he died.

Jack: I've known Jack for about 11 years now and he knew Brian as well. He hasn't stopped helping me and has always made sacrifices for me to be less depressed since Brian died. Even if he made me smirk he felt his job had been succeeded. He's my closest friend and I love that guy, Brian's death didn't hit him as hard because he didn't know Brian very well. They both knew me and only really hung out whenever we were all together. But he knew him enough for his death to make an impact and hurt. One good trait about Jack is that he is very resilient when it comes to matters like this. But then again I should feel the worst because after all it was my fault.

Our story begins back in Pre-k. He was the first friend I made since Brian, He's Haitian so he has always had a slight accent which I found and still find hilarious. He was little with a decent sized gap between his teeth and a bit of a lisp but that just added to his character. He could talk his way out of anything and could almost convince you to do anything he wanted. I got used to it after getting in trouble a couple of times for letting him copy my school work. I can't exactly pinpoint when we became friends but we just did. I guess it would be after I helped him get the wet toilet paper off of the bathroom roof or when we used to trade lunches. I needed my chocolate milk fix as much he needed his peanut butter crackers fix. So it was an even trade everyday. We ended up going to the same Elementary School. Brian went to a different school than Jack and I. Which is how we got to be such good friends. I was there when he realized girls didn't have "cooties" anymore. When he had his first Girlfriend. Ew. Sandy Williams. But I guess all of our first Girlfriends weren't exactly the best looking. He's always been a go getter. Nothing ever came to him easily, He had to work for it and earn it which meant he had a lot more respect for anything that was given to him. Which the only bad thing about it is since he earned everything he had he had a strong sense of entitlement with everything. I've gotten used to it but I don't think anyone else has. Jack is literally the best friend I have right now. He talks me out of doing stupid things to myself. He's talked me out of suicide more than a couple of times and even gone as far as staying with me an entire month to know I would be okay. I honestly love the guy. He's honestly the only person on Earth that keeps me sane. If he were to die I honestly don't know what I'd do. I'd do a lot more than miss him.

Angela: I've known this girl for maybe 5 months and I can't say I know her even remotely. We just talk a lot, She's had a messed up past so we both share a common depression and confess our problems to each other and when we have relapses of self harm and just support each other because we know the struggle. She's not really a part of the squad but she knows everybody in it. She's grown to be rather cold and heartless to other people and She used to be like that with me until we ended up doing "It" and I guess she started having feeling towards me. That was a long time ago so I don't know if she still feels that way. If she died I would definitely miss her. She's a good friend or whatever she is to me.

Madeline: Madeline is a long complicated story. Basically a Boy meets Girl, Boy falls for Girl, Girl falls for Boy girl, Girl Picks her ex bf over Boy, Boy still likes Girl, Girl breaks up with ex bf, Boy asks girl out, Girl says no, Girl goes out with ex bf again, Boy gets confused, Girl gets confused, Boy still loves Girl, Girl still loves Boy, Girl still loves ex bf, Girl picks ex bf, Boy gets hurt and tries to move on starts to hate Girl, Boy finally moves on after 3 months, Girl breaks up with ex bf, Girl drags Boy back in, Boy falls for the bait, Boy loves Girl again, Boy and Girl Make out, Girl and Boy both love each other, Boy messes it up, Girl hates boy, Boy hates himself, Girl forgives Boy but things change, Boy hates himself even more, Boy stops talking to Girl, Girl stops talking to boy, a month goes by, Boy and Girl start talking again, Boy and Girl start falling again, Boy and Girl give it a second chance, It doesn't work out. Now boy and Girl talk occasionally but since Girl has been friends with Boy for so long She knows all of the squad so Boy and Girl are forced to be friends and talk. Boy doesn't know how he feels about Girl. Girl's not so sure either. If Girl died Boy wouldn't know what to feel.

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