Chapter 6

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The whole squad meets Barbara at Biltmore "Hey guys this is my girlfriend Barbara, she skates so she's gonna chill with us today" I say to them. Everybody looks at me with wide eyes which means I wasn't imagining that I said what I just said. I never had made a bigger fool of myself "I mean my friend Barbara" and I made a face so red i'm pretty sure everybody was feeling the warmth of it. "Aww, we already broke up?" Barbara says. They act kind of surprised with how she's acting towards me. I was too, She'd never acted like this with me before, She was really touchy and flirty. Totally different than yesterday, I guess She's more comfortable with me now. The best day for me skateboarding wise and Barbara wise I landed my trick and I scored with Barbara. She has a very fitting name, "Barbara" because she's like barbed wire. Once your stuck you might as well give up and give in. "What are you guys doing next weekend?" says Matthew to the whole squad. Now everybody knows when Matthew asks what we're doing "Next weekend" something is gonna go down, whether it's His parents are going to let him have the car for the weekend or He knows a guy who knows a guy who knows someone that's going to throw a party and squad is going to crash it. But this time it was totally different. "Who wants to break into our high school?" We all instantly froze. "What do you mean break into high school?" I ask him "Summer's already almost over I don't want to go their until school starts again" says Jack. "No guys, it'll be later during the night and since School is starting again they are re-stocking all of the snacks but since school hasn't started yet the camera's aren't running. SO WHO'S DOWN!?!?" Says Matthew re-assuringly. "I'm down" say Jayden and Alex both "I'm not 100% but I'll try to go" says Jack. "Sounds really fun, I want to go" says Barbara. Now everybody looks at me. This is the moment that defines the course of events over the past. Do I go with my basic sense of right and wrong or do I completely ignore it and impress a girl I met 1 day ago. Of course I go with the stupid decision "Yeah, I'm down for it dude but tell me you have a plan." I say to Matthew

"Okay, so here's the plan" says Matthew
Step 1: Find an easy way to get in and out of the school.
"There's a small 7 foot fence in the back of the school that's old and i'm pretty sure we could all jump over it" says Jayden "Yeah, but it's old and rusted so make sure we wear some decent gloves" Alex adds in.
Step 2: Climb the roof above the Cafeteria and find a way in from the roof.
"They have an old fire escape above the kitchen so we just need something to cut through the lock on it does anybody have anything to cut it with?" says Alex "I think I might have something" Jayden "Would there be an alarm on the fire escape?" Barbara asks. "No they just have an old lock up there, the cafeteria is the oldest building in the school. Not even the side doors or windows have alarms." I answer, which makes her feel some sort of way because she's looking at me and biting her bottom lip.
Step 3:Get into the kitchen pantry and steal as much food as our bags can carry.
"How many bags should we each carry?" asks Jayden. Matthew answers "Each of us should carry our school bag and a duffel bag, we're gonna need a lot of munchies" he's smirking as he says this. "Hell yeah Bro!!" say Jayden and Alex
Step 4: High tail it the Hell out of there.
"So how long should this take all together?" say Barbara and I "No longer than an hour if everything goes to plan" says Matthew. So there's the plan. Very basic yet deceivingly elegant.

*Side note: The food we're stealing is going to get thrown away anyway because the school throws away all of the food and re-stocks it in the beginning of the school year so technically it isn't stealing if the school is going to throw it away anyway.*

This week was very uneventful since last weekend. Barbara has some summer classes so we couldn't really hangout at all. I didn't really feel like hanging out with anyone, a lot of times I feel like that. I won't talk to anyone, or any communication with the outside world. I just need time alone. The only person I'd talk to was Barbara and it still wasn't a conversation, just talking. There's a difference between talking and an actual conversation and her and I were just talking. But it's Thursday night and tomorrow night is the break in so I should talk to Matthew and the rest of the squad so they know I'm still alive. "Hey bro, are we still on for tomorrow?" I text Matthew. "Yeah we're still on but where have you been all week?" He says. I don't bother explaining to him. He wouldn't understand so I change the subject, I just reply "Busy. But where do you want to meet tomorrow night?". He fell for the bait because all he replies is "Biltmore at 8:30, don't forget your bags". That's all it takes to avoid unnecessary conversations with him. I don't need to talk to anyone else for tonight so I just listen to music until I fall asleep. I can hear my phone go off a couple of times but I just ignore it. Then around 3am I get a phone call. It's Barbara!? Why is she calling this late? I pick it up "Hello" I say very un-enthusiastically "Hey" She says in her always cheerful tone of voice "What's up?" I say this a little more enthusiastically "I'm sorry did I wake you up?" she says with her voice still soft and enthusiastic. Now a normal person would say to another ordinary person "Yeah I was sleeping, can I call you in the morning?" but I'm not a normal person and she's no ordinary person to me so I say "No I was listening to music and drawing" I say a little shaky. "You sound like I just awoke you from a slumber of a thousand years" she says and lets a giggle out at the end. Which she wasn't wrong to assume so but I was fixed on making her believe I was fully awake before she called because if she even gets a hint as an inconvenience she will hang up. "Are you sure?" She says suspiciously "Yup, I am one hundred percent sure" I say reassuringly "But why did you call this late? Are you okay?" I ask rather concerned. She just replies with "Yeah, I'm just bored" her sweet enthusiast voice turns into a sweet sad voice "Well I shall make you un-bored. What would you like for me to do? Funny accents? Stupid quirky jokes? Talk about any subject for hours about something you don't care about but it doesn't matter because you just want to hear my voice?" I ask her cheerfully "I like the third option so I want you to tell me everything you know about cactus" She says to me slyly and a normal person would know close to nothing about cactus except that they grow in the desert and are not to be substitutes as chairs. But me? I would happen to know a lot about cactus. Who said 6th grade study projects weren't useful. "Well my dear Barbara I happen to know that A cactus is a member of the plant family Cactaceae within the order Caryophyllales and......" I went on for a solid 20 minutes before I said something and she didn't respond so I figured she was asleep. "Goodnight" I say and hang up.

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