Chapter 4:

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"Padme...Padme wake up...please..."

A voice calls to me through the darkness. I know I have to respond to it but I just...can't. The darkness is taking over me, consuming my soul and will. Eventually, the voice stirs something deep nsde me and I gradually return to the like. My eyes snap open with a jolt and I yell in shock. It takes a moment for me to recognise the worried face in front of me. "Shoot." I think "Dammit, Obi Wan." "Padme ..." he says, "Are you okay?" I roll my eyes, " Of course I'm okay, you nerfherder." Obi Wan sighs "You're not seriously still mad, are you?"

I laugh sarcastically "Why would I be? I mean, its not like you stowed away on my ship, showed yourself to my husband which provoked him to Force Choke me to NEAR DEATH and then KILLED ANAKIN!!!!" I'm on my feet now, in hysterics. "Calm down Padme. I don't deserve your forgiveness, that much is true...but can we just co-operate for the sake of your children?" He pleads. I give him a look of contempt before muttering "Anakin's. They're Anakin's children too. Because of you, they will never know their father."

Obi Wan takes a deep breath "Can we just move onto the matter of why you were lying on the floor, seemingly having some sort of fit when I came in?" I sigh. There's no use not telling him the truth. He'll just squeeze it out of me with a Jedi mind trick or something of the sort. "I...I think it was a vision of some sorts. I was on the control bridge of a Star Destroyer. Palpatine was there...he was talking to this man in armour...the man was completely covered, I couldn't even see his face. They were saying something abut the construction of something like a Death Star, whatever that means..." At the mention of the phrase 'Death Star', Obi Wan's face pales, but he says nothing. "And the said something about a tracker on my ship, and sending a squadron of clones to Polis Massa and..."

Obi Wan suddenly swears very violently in Huttese. "We've got to get out of here. All of us. Right Now." Obi Wan yells "Come on!" He picks up Luke, and indicates for me to do the same with Leia. I grab her, and follow Obi Wan out of the room. He's running at such a fast pace, I can barely keep him in my line of vision, much less keep up. "What the force is happening?" I yell at him angrily. "The Empire tracked us here and they'll arrive at any moment!" He snapped back.

We round a corner and bump into Bail and Yoda, who, from the looks of things, have been running a long time too. Obi Wan jogs up to Yoda "Did you...". "See it?" Yoda interrupted "Yes, see it I did. A warning this is. Leave we all must."
I nod. "Judging by the vision, I'd say the clones might arrive any minute."
Bail sighs " Am I the only one here who, you know, HASNT seen the clones yet?

Suddenly, a loud bang fills the hallway. We all wheel around towards the sound. A cloud of dusty smoke is rising up one end of the corridor, obliterating everything in it's range. Then through that cloud emerge at least a dozen clone troopers, each firing blue stun blaster bolts everywhere. They ricochet everywhere, bouncing of the ceiling, the walls the floor; it's a miracle they don't hit us.

My natural human survival instincts kick in, and I race away down another corridor, holding Leia tightly in my arms. Not even bothering to acknowledge where I'm going, I zigzag blindly until I finaly come to a halt in the landing strip, where Bail's ship, Tantive IV is parked. Considering mine has a tracker on it, I decide that this one will be the safest one to go to. Rushing up the ramp, I almost collide with C-3PO, who seems to have found his way over here. Or maybe one of the others dragged him over, I don't know. "Mistress Padme, it is such a relief to see you well!" he says. I nod quicly. "Thanks 3PO." I say, nodding in his direction. "Could you put Leia somewhere safe for me please?" I ask, handing over the now sleeping bundle in my arms Seriously, how can Leia sleep through all of that? 3PO takes Leia as I rush outside, looking around for the others.

It's a while before I see them rushing out of the main entrance, pursued by over a dozen clones. It occurs to me that I should help them, but how? Just then, my eyes stray onto a random blaster lying on the floor, which I pick up. 'Boy am I glad I found this fellow.' I mutter to myself. Poking my head out of the ramp, I shoot wildly at the clone troopers, felling them like trees. This gives Obi Wan, Yoda and Bail enough time to get inside and close the ramp. We all rush into the cockpit and start up the ship. Just as the ship lifts off the ground, a tall dark figure emerges from the centre. I hear Obi Wan curse under his breath. With a jolt, I recognise it as the figure in my vision, Darth Vader.

"Come on..." I mutter to myself frantically. "We can get out of this mess, we can get out." I don't know how we do it, but we get out of the atmosphere of Polis Massa and into hyperspace. With a sigh of relief, I recline back in my chair. We made it.

A/N Was this update worth waiting for? On average, I will try to update once a week, but if that changes, I'll let you guys know. Stay tuned! ladies_of_starwars

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