Chapter 8

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Ana's  POV

I'm struggling to eat as grey eyes follow my every move. Even as I look down to my toast I can tell he waits for the next crumb to enter my mouth, we could be here all night. Suddenly my mind begins to drift, is this what life as Christian's sub would be like? Being under constant watch? That certainly would not bode well with me.

" Anastasia it will be next week by the time you finish that at this rate," I look up to him, he looks tired, the rings under his eyes clearly evident. For a moment it seems I have forgotten he has been through his own kind of hell, be it of his own making

" I'm sorry," I say " I hope you realise that this is progress for me but it it's not easy when one is being watched."

" I know, I'm sorry. I'm really tired Anastasia and I would like to go back to sleep as soon as possible. I promised my mother I would follow doctor's orders and all I've done is the opposite so far."

" At least your doctor would not issue out any punishments for disobedience," I want to laugh but I'm aware that it is not appropriate at this time. He doesn't comment on my last statement much to my annoyance

"Okay, I'll go back to bed now,"

He walks behind me as I head back to my room, he goes back to the chair, surely he is not intending on spending the rest of the night on a desk chair.

"Christian why don't you go to the guest room, there is no way you can spend the rest of the night there,' I say pointing at him

"Go to bed Anastasia, I told you I'm not leaving you and that's that settled," This man is exasperating at the best of times

"Don't worry I won't be divulging your secrets anytime soon I told Jeeves to pass on the message"


"I mean Taylor," he smiles

"You do have a wild imagination don't you Anastasia, Jeeves," he shakes his head

"What can I do, I need to find ways of entertaining myself,"

"It's not my secrets I worry about, it's you that I'm worried about."

" I honestly don't understand why you bother with me," I hear myself choking on my own words. If he is not here to protect his secrets then what does he want from me? Frankly my fantasy of being Grey's girl is way past me. It nearly killed me. I wonder if he knows of the photos that Leila showed me of him wearing torn denim shorts that shouted sex from the rooftops but photos of women tied in all sorts of positions dampened this making me realise sadly that Christian Grey is some twisted son of a gun excuse the pun. I have so many questions for him that I don't even know where to begin and don't know if I have the right to ask them but that will not stop me. Maybe I should get Kate Kavanagh to wear an Anastasia disguise and quiz Mr Grey on my behalf to her hearts content 'oh Mr Grey what big teeth you have!'

" I'm sure you know why I worry about you Ana?" Why am I Ana all of a sudden?

"It's either you do or you are a good actress I guess."

I have no idea where this conversation is heading, Christian does not look like the type to bear his soul, and perhaps I'd need to sign something before I break his barriers down. Anyway whatever it may be, 2am is not the time for the jury in my head to be deliberating the case of Grey vs. Anastasia, I need to get back to sleep. I move to one end of the bed

" You can join me in the bed but if you dare try anything I'll scream at the top my lungs and you will wish Leila had done a good job, Ray is next door and you don't wanna mess with ex military,"

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