Chapter 38

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Hi guys thanks for the continued support . Apologies for delays in posting

I feel slightly nervous knocking on my mother's door. I've stalled her long enough only to realise that the more I keep her in the dark, the more concerned she is likely to be regarding my relationship with Christian.  But now armed with that knowledge that Christian and I are a solid entity, I feel confident enough to defend our relationship without wavering the slightest bit . Yes it's complicated,  but at this moment in time I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Ana." She smiles opening the door and taking me in her arms. She holds me tight for a few seconds longer and I do my best to keep the tears at bay. Coming home has been the best decision, hopefully seeing me in the flesh will make her worry a little less when we are apart.

"Hi mom," I say when she finally lets go of me. 

"I was worried sick about you I hope you realise. Look at you, you look...Oh it's so good to see you." She ushers me into the front room taking my bag from me.

"I can't believe you have gone from being the simple girl recently graduated from college to.. You know to all of this." She points at me from head to toe with half a smile. Even I'm getting used to the new me. The pair of jeans and the halter neck top have a slightly hefty price tag but they fit well if I may say so myself. As for the shoes , I supress my grin thinking of the day they were all I was wearing.

We settle in front room I kick off my shoes
" So how has he been treating you? After what he's put you through, I honestly don't know how you stick with him." She looks at me directly awaiting my response. I wasn't expecting to go into this discussion immediately but my mom at times can be like a dog with a bone and she certainly isn't letting this one go.

"Mom you're the one who used to tell me that men are complicated and how I would eventually find out, well I've managed to find myself the king of complications. But we have worked things out now and we are good." She cocks her head to the side and does not seem convinced
"I know it's my first relationship and I have so much to learn about love about life but believe me when I say that I'm in a happy place ."

She sighs " well if you are truly happy Ana then that's all that matters . Tell me about men! Bob, I swear to God he spiked my drink when I met him because sometimes he gets on my nerves to the point where murder seems like the only solution."

" I am happy, very happy." I can't help but smile just thinking of Christian. Hopefully she drops the subject for a little while longer. I do get where is coming from, if the roles were reserved my reaction would probably be the same.

She asks me bit about Chicago and I tell her but not in too much detail. I'm keeping tight-lipped, knowing how Christian treasures his privacy but at the same time I cannot keep her completely in the dark.
" So is going to do about Christopher then? I can imagine what it will be like for the little boy to be uprooted from all his knows and everyone he knows?"
" I think after the paternity results come out. He will take it from there. You wouldn't believe how the two have bonded, it's like it was meant to be. And Christoper is so,so adorable. He is a little joy to be around."
"Well just see how it goes I suppose. Would you like some tea? I'll go and make some."
Mom exits the room and heads for the kitchen and I feel my mind drift.

I'm in awe each time I observe the interaction between Christian and Christopher you'd think that they've known each other right from the start. Christian's a natural, so gentle and patient even though he won't acknowledge it if asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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