Chapter 14

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Christian is freshly showered and the room has been serviced, he is now in CEO mode.

He has made a few calls and his attorney is on his way,  reminds me of a MasterCard advert, There are some things money can't buy but for everything else there is MASTERCARD!

" Taylor, are you and Gail ok?" I hear him ask. For once he is not barking orders.

"Tell me what the hell happened and how come you never called me to warn me?"

I'm trying to listen in but Christian won't stand still

" What!?" He shouts to Taylor, soon his hairline will be rescinding if he doesn't stop running his hands through it. I will have to wait for him to finish the call, hopefully, then he will not give me the edited version of events like I said the fewer surprises I have later on the better. I have already heard more than my fair share of info on Grey for the day.

Why was he taking photos of these women?

Once he is finished there is silence in the room and it's unsettling. I desperately want to find out more information.

" All the paperwork is missing," he says eventually. " I suspect Leila had been in my fucking safe, she took all the fucking NDA's"

" Christian why would you keep the NDA's in your safe, isn't that your attorney's job?"

" Don't you think I fucking know that!" I feel the room to vibrate. I open my mouth to say something but close it again.

" Control, I wanted to be in control of it all, but that crazy bitch found her way into my apartment and went through my shit until she found where my safe combination was  written"

The more he says it the more fucked up it all seems. I wonder where my NDA has ended up, hopefully not in Leila's hands. I've been intimate with this man for two seconds and the whole of America including my own family think I'm into BDSM. I was still virgin yesterday morning.

His attorney arrives, he reminds me of Rowan Atkinson, I want to laugh but understand it's highly inappropriate, I guess I'm hoping I could laugh my way through this whole fiasco. At this moment in time, I'd love the whole thing to be a joke or a nightmare I can wake up from, but it won't be going away anytime soon, unfortunately. 

" Hugh," he looks at me " This is Ms Steele," I wonder if there is a need for any of these formalities. I'm disappointed that Christian doesn't specify the nature of my relationship with him. Soon he could be standing in a court denying any knowledge of me; I didn't have sexual relations with that woman. I put it all down to stress for now.

" Hi,"

" Are you ready to go through the information I have," Hugh asks Christian and somehow i can sense that my presence will not be required for this.

" Yeah," Christian response 

Hugh  looks at Christian and then at me

" Don't worry anything you have to say you can say it in front of my girlfriend," and he puts his arm round my waist as we sit at the table and doubt I had disappears 

" Very well Mr Grey. Well, first of all, I think it is advisable for you to meet with Detective Mitchel because the more you avoid him the more there is likely to be the suspicion that you have something to hide."

I see Christian roll his eyes.

"Secondly it seems Ms Williams really had something against you, she was out for revenge in a major way. The note she left was in her hotel room, begging to be saved from you and also implying there are other women who need saving hence this whole thing erupting." I feel Christian squeeze my hand

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