Chapter 20

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A/N Thanks to all the followers and those who have just come onboard.

Christian POV

"Do you really have to go?" Ana's eyes have been following me from the second I got out of the shower. I'm now in my lucky suit and tie; the one I wore the day a pretty, brown-haired thing fell into my office. I'll need all the luck that I can get today, as it's been over 6 weeks since I last set foot into my office. It feels like the first day of school again. I'm trying not to entertain what my staff may be thinking of the current shit that's going on, because if I do then I will have to terminate everyone's employment contract and start afresh.

Ros needs my support, and I know that there is only so much she can do before she caves into the pressure and I find myself being handed a letter of resignation. There is a major deal with the Taiwanese owners of a shipyard, and I would like to be the one to close that.

"I have to go, baby, but I will be back before you know. Someone has to earn a living in this place you know." I say jokingly to her.

"I expect my dinner and your sweet juices to be ready and waiting when I return," I see her blush and it's a beautiful sight. The thought of her loving me makes me feel liberated.

She straightens my tie and gives me a final inspection.

"You're too good-looking to be locked up in your office all day. I might just come and disturb the peace."

"Every time you come is always a good time for me Anastasia."

"Don't tempt me, Mr Grey. I'm capable of a whole lot more than you get out and perform you hus–manly duties" What? She nearly said husband – what is this woman trying to do to me?

"Ana, remember..."

"Yes, I remember – if I need to go anywhere security goes with me," she cuts me off, exasperated. I know I have repeated this endless times to her, but she needs to know how I worry about her and how I would die if anything were to happen.

"Thanks baby. And also remember that I love you." I plant a final kiss on her lips and make my exit while I still can.

All the way to the office I'm filled with dread. I'm trying to imagine the reception I will get from staff – have I lost their respect? How will Andrea be to me? She is one of my closest employees, and I know that sometimes I do treat her like shit... I guess that was the old me who kept everyone at bay and part of it was behaving like an ass most of the time. However, if I get into the office all happy and chirpy, will that be seen as an indication of my guilt for the shit I've been accused of? The son of a crack whore can never win now, can he?

At least Taylor is on my side – that I am sure of.

"Are you ready sir?" Taylor asks as we approach GEH.

"Yeah, ready as I can be. To be honest, I'm sure I have enough shit on my desk to keep me busy all of today."

As we enter the building, I realise how much I time I've spent from here considering that some days I have been here till late at night. Then I didn't have much to go home to, unless it was a Friday and I had a sub at the time. I wonder how my baby is doing. I know she will get bored today on her own. I promised her I wouldn't stay longer than necessary and I intend on keeping my word. I have arranged to see Flynn at lunchtime before he thinks I'm avoiding him.

"Good to see you, Mr Grey." I'm greeted politely by the security staff as I enter the elevator. I wonder if these people would stand in the witness box on my side if it came down to it.

I step out of the elevator and Andrea is by her desk. As soon as she sees me she nearly jumps out of her seat.

"Mr Grey, how are you sir? Shall I get you your usual?"

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