Woman of her dreams - II

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However, the road is edgy and curvy with few pits and bumps. Digging in deep, does 'Women of her dreams' mean only those who follow and fulfill their dreams? Confined with respect of earning and independency? Why the curves and edges? Why are the pits so shallow? Who is a 'Woman of her dreams'? Who is she?

Hear it out in her words :

I am the 'Woman of my dreams'. I am the maker of my dreams. I am the pioneer of my future. I am not a slave of your insensible social norms. I am free from all the shackles around my body. I am unchained from your traditional beliefs and ties. I am uncaged from your male chauvinistic jail. I am liberated from your judgmental glares. I am not supressed to boundaries. I am not confined to limitations and regulations. I am strong, confident and sexy. My womb is a shield to the human embryo. I can bare 57 del (unit) of pain while giving birth. Your generations take their first breath on this earth through and because of me. God has made me that powerful, after him it's I who produce. I am soft and tender yet I can bare violent storms. I hold numerous stories inside me. I am my father's pride, not your material of lust. I am my mother's smile, not a doll you'll rub your manhood into. I am a delicate flower, not dry leaf to be crumpled under your egoistic feet. If you take me for granted, I can prick my thorns and bleed your knuckles. If you treat me as I am worthy of, I can be your rock, your better half to walk with you, hand in hand. I am not a baby producing machine. I am not a servant to wash your father's dirty linens and massage you mother's feet. I am compassionate for my family loved ones. I am aware of what is right and wrong for me. I walk with dignity on my sleeves, ambitions on my mind, passion in my eyes, smile on my lips and love and warmth in my heart.

My spirit of womanhood cannot be curbed down. I have the ability to stand on my own in this world. I am the tigress, not the hunter. I am a roar, not a scream. I breath, I live just as THE THOUSAND ZILLION PEOPLE breathing on this planet. And that's why I am UNIQUE. I am the 'WOMAN OF MY DREAMS'.

...................She's the 'Woman of her dreams'.

A/N : Everytime I read it, I feel I should've written more, it's such a diverse topic. I dedicate this to all those women out there for following their dreams, for the courage to follow their choice, to put forth their thinking and decisions. The article doesn't resemble any particular being, it's purely my views. I feel lucky to be able to write on something so divine as 'Woman'. I want more and more people to come across this article, if atleast a single person is inspired, then it's victory for me. I'm eager/curious to hear your thoughts, tell me what is 'Woman of her dreams' according to you?

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