13 | Least Expected..

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Parker's POV

I pulled up to the house and flung myself out of the car, not even taking the key out of the ignition or shutting the door behind me. I ran up the steps and as soon as I got to the door, she opened it. She was clearly pissed off and wanted nothing to do with me right now. She had put on the dress she wore over here yesterday and pulled her long flowing hair into a ponytail. Chase had made a garbage bag with what seemed to be clothes that had accumulated at my house over time.

"Chassia, baby calm down.. lemme explain" I said to her, reaching for her hand.

"Explain what Parker? Your girl made it clear y'all still together, so don't even trip, I get it" she brushed past me and began down the steps. I finally got her to stop once she was on the sidewalk.

"You don't get it Chase.. you don't know anything."

"Parker where were you today? When you said you were going to see Cell, where were you?" I paused and sighed, my next answer would seem more incriminating rather than helping my case, but I had to be honest.

"I-I was at Cassidy's.." she began to walk away and I spoke up "I went to tell her to chill out! I went to tell her I had a wife waiting for me at home. I went to tell her that whatever was between me and her is over and I am with you now. You are all I want in life Chase. I want to make you happy, I want to be yours... I love you Chase. Ok? ... I love you, I'm in love with you, and if you walk away now, I'll only be waiting for you at every corner.. I won't stop Chassia. You were meant to be mine.."

Silence. It was quiet in between us for a while, and then I heard Nino take Britt in the house. She turned back to me and sighed.

"Parker I want to believe you, I want to love you, but how do I know?"

"Because I told you I got you.. I told you from day one it was you and me.. I wasn't lying Chase, I put in on JoJo" her eyes shot up to meet mine. "I love you Chase"

Finally her eyes softened and she fell into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and she held me tightly. Her natural scent entered my airways and I smiled.

"I love you Parker... I don't want to hurt again Park"

"You won't baby girl, I promise. I promise." We walked back to the house and made our way back to my room. Britt and Nino would be sleeping in Cell's old room, we had business to go and handle tomorrow. Nino needed a running start, I couldn't get him to New York and place him in business without letting him get his feet wet in the game. He was my responsibility, and he was gonna be damn good.

Chase and I sat up for a few hours talking about what our future would be like once we got to New York. She was ready to be with me, all in, she knew that I was getting into business with Cell, but she refused to know specifics. Chase wanted so much out of life, but the things were so simple, I couldn't help but want to give them to her. A family that she never seemed to have completely, honest love, and loyalty. She drifted to sleep in my arms, and I just watched. To think I damn near lost this girl, over some stupid shit Cassidy tried to pull, made my blood boil. I trusted that Cass knew the extent of our relationship and she didn't. Eventually I was able to fall asleep with thoughts of where my life was coming from, and where it was headed.

Two Weeks Later

Chase's POV

I believe there are triggers in your head, triggers that lead to switches. Switches in character, mood, personality, and most of all, life. I have few triggers, and barely let people get to my switches. For example, JoJo seems to be a switch for me. The trigger for that switch was his death, and the switch was my life. I went from being someone who hustled and grinded every day, barely making it, to someone who didn't care if they made it. I am depressed, it's no secret. I have yet to smile since.. that day. It has been almost two weeks now, and I feel as though, I have to get on with life. I said I would before, but all I did was sit around Parker's place and eat, I barely spoke, and only left the house twice to go with Britt to her doctor's appointment.

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