16 | Damn Nino.

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A/N: Okay y'all, CC has about four chapters left before the end. Sad, I know BUT I have already started my next book, so if you thought this was good, check out The Journey of Journee on my page! I just started that one, so stay tuned.



DAMN. I look good. I am finally 19. I'm a grown ass woman now. Nobody can tell me what to do, how live, or who to be. I am who I am. I stared into the mirror of the hotel room Parker had led me to through the GPS. It was beautiful. We obviously had the most expensive suite in this building because there were only three rooms up here. One of the others on the floor belonged to Britt and Nino for the night.

I can't believe how much has changed for me. I was in love, real and true love. I was happy, I was everything I ever dreamed of being. Then a feeling of sadness came over me, causing me to take a seat on the ledge of the bathtub. I missed JoJo like crazy man, I missed having someone to look after. I missed being his big sister. This feeling of losing one so close to you seems so inevitable, but it was a feeling I was learning to cope with. Soon enough I won't cry when I hear his name, and soon enough I will be okay again.

"Baby?! ... I hope you ready girl, we got shit to-.. damn" Parker came in the room and noticed my appearance immediately. He was obviously pleased.

"You picked it out, so if you don't like it.. blame yourself" I spoke, standing to my feet again and walking back to the big mirror.

"You look amazing baby, better than amazing..you're perfect baby girl" Parker kissed my lips so sweetly that I almost fell into his arms. His scent danced around my nostrils and a smile came over me. There was nothing like the smell of the man you love.

He pulled back from our embrace and looked down to me, staring in my eyes for a while. "What baby?" I asked with a smile.

"I never laid eyes on a thing so gorgeous until I met you."

I blushed and playfully pushed past him reaching for my shoes. "Boy whatever" I joked.

"Chassia I'm serious.. ever since you came into my life, it ain't been nothing but happiness, you know.. it's hard to find real ass females out here and here you was all along.. I'm thankful for you, that's all.. I feel blessed to have you in my life." His words touched my heart so purely. There was so much emotion in every word he spoke. It was then that I knew for sure I had fallen, for Parker Amir Avery.


Britt's POV

I had spent the day with Chase, getting her together for the big night Parker had planned. When we arrived to the hotel and I was about to head home, there was a man who came to me and said that Nino had a reservation for us as well. I was more than surprised. I didn't expect any of this, but the fact that it happened, that he did it for me, made my day.

I sat up in the bed in the best lingerie I could find to fit my growing pregnant breast, and I waited. It was only 9:00, he should be here any minute.

9 soon turned to 10. 10 to 11. 11 to 2. It was 2 in the morning and I just couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't wait. I was cold, angry.. and alone. Where could he be? I know he didn't just set me up to be stood up. I reached for my phone and dialed his number, with no response. I was now pissed. Pacing back and forth an uneasy feeling came over me. Nino and I fought like hell these past two days, and a man like Nino could find females easily with less mouth, and who didn't have a growing belly.

I tried to calm myself thinking he could never do that to me. He could never cheat. He could never tell me I meant the world to him, and then just walk away.. right? Something had to be up. I grabbed my coat, keys, and phone, heading out the door. I have to find him.

On the elevator that same uneasy feeling came over me. I didn't think to change clothes, I stood in the lingerie from earlier, covered by a silk robe. On my feet were a pair of crocs that seemed to be the only comfortable thing for my feet. Pregnancy was kicking my ass and I wasn't even showing for real. The elevator doors opened and I heard a commotion from the front desk.

"What do you mean she's already here?! You clearly see my girl standing next to me." A familiar voice yelled. I came around the corner to find Nino and a very petite latina. I covered my mouth in awe.

"I'm sorry sir, she came in earlier with a um.. Chassia, and we believed she was your ... lady" the concierge spoke.

"With Chassia.. shit.." Nino turned toward the elevator as I stood on it balling out my eyes. He knew I knew. "Britt, wait!" The doors closed and that was the end. Damn Brittany, how the hell did we get here.


Parker's POV

Chase and I lay naked in our king bed, she was fast asleep, and I was slowly dozing. Not even ten minutes into my sleep I heard banging on the door. I kissed Chase's forehead and climbed out of bed. Who the fuck could be at my door at this hour. I grabbed my piece out of the nightstand and threw on some shorts. The banging only grew louder. I walked cautiously to the door and waited.

"CHASE?!?! ... PARK?!!?! It's Britt, open up!"

I shook my head, sighed and opened the door.


"Parker you knew! You fucking knew. I know you did!" She began hitting me and I wrestled to grab her hands.

"Britt chill tf out.. knew what?!?" I yelled at her.

"Baby?" I heard Chase sleepily say.

"It's just Britt baby, go back to sleep" I yelled back.

"You knew Park.. you knew" she fell to the floor in tears. She was broken. I had never seen her like this. What the fuck happened.

"Knew what Britt, talk to me.." I sat next to her on the floor and brought her to my shoulder as she cried out.

"Nino don't love me.. he had this room for another bitch.. I saw them downstairs" she spoke through broken cries. I held her tighter, she was family, and she was hurting. We sat there in silence as she got herself together. "You knew didn't you Parker?"

"No I ain't know Britt.. I knew he was messy before you, but I ain't know he still was.. I promise I didn't know"

"My life Parker, my life is over.. I'm having a baby by a nigga that don't even love me..I ain't shit Park..."

"Nah Britt, he ain't shit.. that baby is a blessing.. fuck him" I spoke to her as I wiped the tears from her cheek. This nigga has fucked up something serious.

Nino's POV

"Baby who was that?" Dina asked me. I sat there silently, just driving. "Nino?!"

"What?!" I spat back at her.

"Who the fuck was that?!"

I pulled up to her house and unlocked the doors. "It was a mistake fucking with you, and because of it I probably just lost the best thing that ever happened to me... don't call me, just get out" I looked away as she exited the car and slammed the door behind her.

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