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{'recap' | h.s pov} "six feet deep"

nialls grip loosened as a tear fell down my face. I just wanted things to go back to how they were.

where I wasn't a crying mess and Louis was okay, happy.

I stayed awake as hours flew by, quicker than I knew it, 7 o'clock snuck up on me. I glanced over and my eyes widened.


well, this day should be great.

{l.t pov}

*three weeks later*

the pain continued to occur, waking up to just throw up then eat a ton of food. it was all an never endless nightmare, until I looked in the mirror. i glanced in the mirror and noticed I was getting fat. I cringed and turned to the side. my stomach was sticking out more.

I frowned and plopped back on my bed, I don't want to go to work, I thought. with a loud groan I turned over from my stomach. I frowned and touched the area near my belly button, wincing quietly. I close my eyes then open them, pressing harder on the spot. i then stop and sit up slowly. my eyes trailed down to my stomach which tended to show more when I sat down.

with a risen brow I stand up and reach for my phone, I dial my boss' number. after a few minutes of ringing I heard a familiar greeting on the other line, "hello? Louis?"

I cleared my throat with a hand over my stomach, "hello, um, I'm sorry but I won't be able to come in today..I'm not feeling up to pare.."

the line went quiet, only the sound of her breathing was heard.

suddenly, she spoke, "okay, Louis. but, first let me say, I knew there was something wrong. are you going to go to the doctors? just to see what's wrong?"

"no, I don't think it's that severe.." I said, laughing lightly at her words. I'm not dying so why would I see a doctor? it's probably just something in my system.

a sigh was heard, "alright, will you be back tomorrow?"

"I'm sure I will, thank you," I said, standing up and going into the kitchen. I grabbed a carton of ice cream then cocked my hips.

"oh no problem, Louis. feel better. just let me know what's going on tomorrow, I guess," she said.

I hummed trying to figure out what else I wanted, "I will."

"now get some rest, good bye Louis."

when she hung up, I grabbed a bowl and some hot sauce. I placed some scoops of ice cream in the bowl, then sat down on the counter- shirtless and just in underwear. i poured some hot sauce on top and took a bite.

I internally moaned, it was like heaven. I might sound crazy, but this was probably better than sex. yes, sex.

moments later, my phone began to ring, I quirked my brow and picked up my phone, "hello?"


"Harry!!" I smiled widely at the sound of his voice.

this was the first time we've talked since him leaving me awhile ago.

"how's it going? feeling any better?" he asked with a rare overly happy tone.

"better," I lied.

"you sure? you know I can tell when you're lying to me," he replied.

i went from happy to sassy in two seconds, "no you can't. you can't even tell when I'm sad."

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