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{h.s pov} | "don't cry no more"

after a restful night at Louis' I had some major thinking to do. he wants to move in and I haven't mentally nor physically prepared for this. yes, I want him to move in so we can be with each other more. but, I don't know what to think of all this.

it was a surprise.

my boots clank against the cement based floor as I go into my office. but to my amazement, zayn was waiting inside. I took a few steps inside and glanced at the small sniffling boy.

I softened as I heard a sob come from his mouth, I kneel beside him and wipe the tear from his cheek, "what's wrong?"

his eyes slowly met mine, "l-last night that guy sha-shahid almost k-kissed me.."

letting out a shaky exhale I look down at my hand then back up at him, "listen. I don't know how you feel because I've never been in this situation. however, I truly think you need to step up to your mum and tell her how you feel. your real emotions aren't being taken into consideration."

his eyes began to water even more, "I c-can't...it's tradition.."

I chewed my lip as his sad eyes dropped more, "but your unhappy..at least let you mum know that you are unhappy." I rubbed his back slowly and then pulled him into a hug.

the sob grew louder as my shoulder began to feel wet. cringing I let it happen anyways. I felt bad for him because he can't speak out and marry whom he chooses. I can't imagine how he feels.

I pulled away, "everything will be okay. if whatever his irrelevant name is tries to kiss you, just tell him to stop. if he's an understanding person, he will listen to you and recognize that you are uncomfortable with kissing. Also. if he tries to do any move on you. just call me, okay?"

he nodded, "thanks mr-I mean Harry..I appreciate it."

"no problem, how about we go get some coffee?" I gave him a smile as he returned.

"sure," zayn said, not wanting to leave my side. we walked down the hall and left the building in smiles.

we arrived at the small shop and his grin grew bigger, "you seem excited."

he nodded eagerly, "thank you. I needed this."

we both made out way inside the shop I had asked him what he wanted as I insisted to buy him his coffee.

After several minutes of trying, he gave in, with a content smile I ordered our coffee and waited for both drinks to be done.

I glanced at zayn and smiled, he seemed so happy just getting coffee. I wonder how happy he would be if he met someone he really liked. my thoughts were interrupted as I saw a familiar face enter the shop.


he looked around the shop and practically ran towards me. I held him in my embrace as I placed a small kiss on his neck, "this is a surprise."

"I know, I wasn't expecting to see you here this early," he laughed.

"here let me get you a drink," I said as I walked him to the table zayn was sitting, "I'll be back. oh, louis this is zayn and zayn this is louis." I walked away and ordered louis' usual.

flowers for my baby {l.s mpreg} - BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now