You Are the Best Thing...

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Three years after slushie facials, high-school queen bees, and whacked crazy plastic people, I was happy. I had a career, I had a love, and I had a life. Would I spend the rest of my life with Sebastian? Yeah, you know what? I would. Would I wanna marry him? That would be a different story.

A lot had changed since Rachel's fail at TV. Did she go back to Broadway? Yes, she did. If you ask me, playing it safe is the best option for her. And did she get married? Yes, she did, just not my prince of choice. Her new hubby was Jesse St. Jerk-face. I gave it to him good though right before they tied the knot, I put the fear of God into this loon. Kurt and Blaine, they were married too (about damn time). Even Brittany and Santana got hitched! It seemed everybody was moving on with their lives and opening a new chapter...except for me.

"I'm home; owh!" I tripped over the rug as I entered the apartment. I moved out from the loft with Rachel and Kurt, and Sebastian and I decided to invest in a little place for ourselves.

"You okay?" Sebastian came in and took one of the grocery bags out of my hands.

"Yeah, not used to being a house wife," I joked. He chuckled as we went into the kitchen.

"What'd you get?" he asked.

"Dinner, more dish soap, and a good deal on marshmallows," I replied.

"What'll we use marshmallows for? We live in New York," he asked. I was stumped there.

"...We'll make microwaved smores," I replied.

"Might as well," he delved through the bags and began to rummage through the groceries. "Reese, did you buy beef jerky?" he asked.

"No," I replied simply.

"Why not?"

"'Cause I didn't buy it," I said.

"I asked you to buy some. You don't forget simple stuff like that," he said. I huffed.

"Alright, alright. I didn't wanna buy it," I said sheepishly. He gawked at me.

"Reese! Why not?" he asked.

"To be honest, I was reading the ingredients for the jerky, and I didn't like what I read. Let's leave it at that," I replied.

"What, Whole Foods doesn't have organic?" he asked.

"Yeah, but I knew you wouldn't like the organic. You only like Oberto," I replied.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"The last time I bought the wrong kind, you gagged and didn't eat it. I had to throw the package to the alley way dog," I said.

"Alright, point taken. But next time, text me or something like that first," he replied.

"I'm sorry. I'd go back to the store but it's rush hour," I told him.

"Never mind, let's get cooking," he said.

"Alright, well now I feel guilty," I said.


"Because I didn't buy you beef jerky," I replied. Sebastian grinned and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Don't worry about it, I'm just glad to have you home," he said, then leaned in and gave me a kiss. I responded in the best way possible.

"I love you," I beamed.

"I love you too," he said. We broke apart and I started to get everything ready for dinner. Meanwhile, Sebastian went into the fridge and picked out left over cold cuts from yesterday.

Ever Been Mine (Rebastian) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now