11) Give but can't take

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horse3695 So this chapter is about people who can give it but can't take it.

Basically people who make fun of you all the time. They think they're so funny and clever teasing you and showing off in front of their friends.

But if you make fun of them they just can't handle it, i.e my sister.

She teases me but if I laugh about something she did it's like I'm the worst sister in the world. Not only that but she shouts and calls me a bitch.

Don't get me wrong I love you horse3695 but you gotta chill out. ❤

Two updates in one day? Heyo!

Honestly it's the least I could do for not updating for like over a month.

Sorry this is so damn short. I might write a third chapter soon!

Please comment and vote and for making fun of you, dear sister, I will make it up to you.

horse3695 has one of the funniest books on Wattpad called "My unique insights on life". She has 154 reads currently and would really want to get that number up. When she reaches 200 she's doing a contest that could promote your book. So go check her out.

And with that goodbye

Things that annoy meWhere stories live. Discover now