17) Why do I have to look good?

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So today isn't a lighthearted rant about something silly like my previous chapters. This one might get deep.

So basically I hate that females are under pressure to look good all the time. I recently turned 13 which I mentioned and basically now I feel as if I have to be interested in makeup and that if I don't wear it I'm 'ugly' This would make any girl insecure, being told if you don't hide your face with various colours and creams you aren't pretty or appealing. And I feel bad that someone will see me if I go to the supermarket in sweatpants.

Being honest I understand wearing makeup to interviews and nights out or even if you look a little tired and you have to go out some place. But girls and women who slap it on just to go to the supermarket or to go get petrol for the car? Or you're snapchatting someone and they have a full face of makeup on and they're just at home having a 'chill day'? It's a bit much. But it's the message and vibe that this gives off that annoys me. Looking presentable means covering your face in makeup and wearing fancy clothes. Whereas to me looking presentable means being clean and having nicely brushed hair, and wearing clothes that fit and look nice.

Just remember that you don't need to wear makeup all the time to look nice. It does damage to the skin so the more you apply, the worse your skin gets, so you have to go out and get more. It's a vicious circle.

To me; if you're confident you're pretty. Don't let anyone tell you different.

Oh and one more thing. If you're following someone on social media whos pictures make you insecure. Unfollow them. Don't make yourself feel bad. If they're prettier you might be smarter or more athletic or maybe just a nicer person in general. Don't make yourself feel ugly and terrible. Please

Told you it would get deep.

I hope this helped someone to feel good about themselves. Even if it doesn't, I feel better for writing this.

Please vote it would mean the world!! ❤

Goodbye for now lovely, beautiful people.

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