18) Attention Please

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Attention seekers, am I right? People who like just crave attention (Well duh)

There used to be this girl in primary school that wasn't really friends with anyone. You know in every class there is one child who doesn't quite get along or mix with the other people. She used to do this thing where she'd sing under her breath and look at the floor, silently and not so subtly hoping for someone to compliment her average singing voice. And nobody did because we all knew what she was itching for.

And then you have attention seekers on social media. Now that's really sad
I don't wanna be mean but you know when people put stuff up on Facebook and they're like "my great grandmother who I never met died this day 27 years ago" and they just want likes and comments and pity.

I understand death is difficult to deal with but there is a fine line between "I miss you Grandma" and "pity me give me attention".

Please don't hate me for what I said about well everything in this book.

Kk byeeee

P.s. I know I haven't attached a video in a while but this one made me lol so hard. Enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2015 ⏰

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