16) Plans

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So I don't know if your mother does this but I really hate when mine makes plans for me.

Like all the people that I wanna hang out with have phones and shit so I can text them. There's really no need for her to arrange it with my friend's mother outside the school gates because nowadays we all have mobiles and we're pretty much online to each other all the time anyway. (Disclaimer: I am not saying my mother is old fashioned because she certainly isn't. She has an Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat and she is more active than me!!)

And then I feel awkward saying "No I don't want to go to his/her house" because Mum will ask and be all up in my bizniz.

Don't get me wrong I love and appreciate my Mum but I am a thirteen year old (and quite a mature one at that) so I think I can organise for my friends to come over.

Very short chapter but I have time right now so I gonna just write loads of chapters and have them ready to publish.

Kk byeeee

Things that annoy meWhere stories live. Discover now