Humanity part 2

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Volcano zeroes in on the tear in the corner of the android's eyes, showing just how humanoid its creator was. Volcano looks down at the at the still sparking arms in his hands to the rest of the body. "His son was lost. Son was lost. Son was-"

Volcano stomps on the face of the fallen android, then turning to the other three. "Did you know father was an android?"

None of them respond.

"Where's Stikk?" he demands, throwing the arms to the floor. Looking over his shoulder at the crumpled body. "Father you were right. Humans are annoying."

In camouflage mode, the BioShip flies over the empty space.

"Block out all external communications." Kaldur commands. "Soon, Canary and Zatara, Batman too I imagine, will know of our... visit with Professor Ivo. We haven't much time."

"Look," Robin chuckles trying to lighten the conversation a little. "I'm trying to be nonchalant here."

"Why?" Zatanna asks. "Be as chalant as you like."

Robin cracks a smile.

"I think we're all just trying to get a handle on your powers." Artemis informs. "Could you teleport us to Tornado or Morrow to a cell or force his bots to surrender?"

"Or create peace on Earth for all time?" Zatanna returns. "Zatara couldn't even do all that and I'm nowhere near on my dad's level." she turns very serious as she looks directly at Artemis. "I need to know a spell cold, or else have time to prep it. Plus, all magic requires energy which usually has to come from within. I can't just make the impossible happen at will.

"What's our ETA to Yellowstone?" Conner demands angrily. "I'm way past ready to stuff Tornado into a trash compactor."

"Are you so certain he betrayed us?" Kaldur asks calmly.

Superboy:Aren't you?!"

"I am not convinced." Kaldur admits. "And even so, that makes him but a victim of his creator's programming. Certainly, he deserves the chance to prove he's more than the weapon others designed him to be."

Yn:aqualad right Conner red tornado doesn't know how you or the others feel he's a Android remember we saved you from Cadmus what if you were same as tornado following orders without your consent

Conner closes his eyes as he turns back towards the front of the BioShip, when he opens his eyes the rage is gone.

Listen to me, my brothers, my sister. I have been downloaded with all your memories. Father's too." Red Volcano says. "Oh, he left out the bit about him being an android, but he reveals his plan." Volcano walks towards the other three who still stand near the table he was on. "His dream for our destiny."

He uses a remote that brings up an image of Yellowstone on one of the HoloScreens.

"There is a semi-dormant supervolcano beneath Yellowstone." the image spins around the semi-dormant volcano, before digitally slicing the mountain in half to show the vent and the magma beneath it. "Father gave me the power to activate it in three stages."

The screen shows off the stages.

Stage 1: Eruption

The volcano on-screen erupts violently.

Stage 2: Expansion

The smoke continues to spew from the volcano.

The image zooms out, now showing the entire continental US as the plume continues to rise over Yellowstone before it explodes into white.

Stage 3: Destruction

"The eruption will decimate the planet, kill millions," Volcano says almost gleefully. "and trap the rest under an impenetrable cloud of ash." he looks to the other Reds. "While Humanity struggles to survive, we four will build a Red army to make this Earth a Red Planet."

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