Y/n a young padawan is the last survivor of the Jedi order. He managed to escape the massacre of order 66 by escaping one of the ships. However, as he was escaping one of the clones managed to damage the engine before he escaped through hyper speed...
(This will be a short chapter I been thinking about this idea for a while now)
Yn was training his lightsaber skill till he sees Artemis watching him
Yn:hey honey
Artemis:hey baby I gotta ask has your force abilities ever healed someone that was paralyzed or couldn't move due to problems in the body
Yn:I do have force heal we never had a paralyzed Jedi before or see a Jedi use the force to heal someone who is paralyzed force heal can heal wounds but body parts that's another story honey why you ask
Artemis:it's my mother she paralyzed and it's sad that she's in it and I was wondering if you can fix her spine the doctors said it's un fixable and I hoping your force powers can help my mother
Yn:take me to your mother I'll heal here
Artemis:thank you Yn
Artemis takes Yn to her apartment as they entered the room
Paula:Artemis is this your boyfriend
Artemis:yes this Yn my boyfriend Yn this my mom Paula crook
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Paula:it's nice to meet you
Yn:it's nice to meet you I'm here to fix your back so you can walk again
Paula:Artemis you told him about me
Artemis:mom it's sad to see you in this wheelchair I want you walk and enjoy yourself I don't want to see you in this wheelchair forever please
Paula:okay Artemis let's give it a shot
Artemis:thank you mom
Yn picks up Paula and put her on the couch then made her lay on her stomach
Yn puts his hands on paula back and start using force healing on Paula back
After hearing a pop from her spine
Artemis:mom you okay
Paula:yes I can feel my legs
Artemis:say that again
Paula:I can feel my legs,my feet,toes all of it
Paula slowly gets up from the couch
Paula:I can walk again
Artemis:Yn you did it
Paula and Artemis hug Yn
Paula:thank you so much Yn
Artemis:yeah thank you Yn
Yn:no problem I'm glad my force healing worked
Paula and Artemis let go of Yn
Paula:Yn as a mother to Artemis protect my daughter
Yn:I'll protect her
Paula:and hopefully you be my son in law
Artemis blushes
Yn:I wouldn't mind that but I still like to get to know her a lot more before marriage
Artemis:yeah that sounds good
Yn phone rings Yn gets it and it was a text from black canary aka Dinah
Yn:I gotta go my mom wants me home for dinner I see you later Artemis and glad to meet you Paula
Artemis:by Yn love you
Yn:love you to Artemis
Yn leaves the apartment
Paula:what a nice and gifted boy
Artemis:he sure is so what are you going to do now you can walk again mom
Paula:well get a nice pedicure and exercise my legs most importantly get my license again since I was paralyzed/jail I didn't bother with a license now that my legs work I'm getting my license again oh how about we go out to dinner and celebrate Japanese food
Artemis:sounds good let's go
Artemis and Paula got there purse and head out of the apartment but what they didn't know that they were being watch by Cheshire
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Cheshire:Yn you healed my mother and relationship with my sister but sooner or later I'll join you soon you made my mother and sister happy thank you you my Jedi knight Yn~