Part 6: Rhyme Attack

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1 and a half weeks after..

"Aoba-kun, package has come. Deliver it now."

"Yes sir."

I carried the small package walking at the streets of midorijima.

"Hmm? Ren?."

"What's the matter Aoba?."

"It says the address is around here right?."

"..Let me see..hmm.. the location is 13 meters to the north and half kilometer away from the train station which presides that we're at the exact location."

"Huh? But there's no.."

"Aoba!." Ren alerted me in a sudden.


The environment transformed into a virtual world without gravity. Everything is free floating in the air. I was in awe and wonder of what is going on.

[ Ansible Animaplot. Subconcious field release. ]

"Aoba! Are you alright?."

"Ren.. You are online mode..! That means..."

"This is a Rhyme Battlefield... They're coming."

Shooked my head and saw a rabbit mascot falling down with allies.

"I'm glad you responded to our invitation."-Mascot

"What is that?."-Aoba

"It appears to be our opponent."-Ren

"Fight Seragaki Aoba."-Mascot

"How did you know my name?."

"Rhyme name: Sly Blue."

[ Loss Set Attack!! ] [ Roger!! ]

Small rabbit with blazer commands the others with boxing gloves.

We kept on running to escape the attacks!

"Ren! Log us out!."

"I'm trying but the log out setting is disabled which means the damages we will receive here will harm our physical bodies."

"WHAT?!... Ugh!." *punched*


"Ouch! That hurts a..lot! Hey!.. stop this!."

"Ugh! ..Ugh!.. Uhh!...." *continous terminating*

"Ahh!." *Sly Blue's turn*

"Ren.. Use the jubilation set."


"Just do it. Jubilation set, Ren."

"Understood." *powsh!*

[ Ugh! Damage 3! Endurance level down 12 ]


*Aoba came back in conciousness* "Uh!.. R-Ren? What did I do?."

"You ordered me to attack."


[ You won't get away with that! Destruction set! ]

*Aoba and Ren continously damaged*

[ Enemy's Barrier: Received 100% damage ]

"The Allmate is an older model and has no armor. Are they underestimating us?."-Mascot

"Yah! This's a joke!."-Psuedo Rabbit

"It's useless to keep my hopes up. Finish them."

"Awkey!...Chotto matte!.. Enemy's barrier is regenerating at an extreme rapid rate! 50... 70... 90%...! Alert! Alert....!."

"RAAAHH!." *smacks UsagiModoki hard!*

Aoba had a ball of energy at his hand uttering..

"Destruction and Death."




I visioned a man wearing white coat with a transparent umbrella standing beside me who's lying on the floor..


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