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Draco Malfoy updated their status: Potterrrrrrr!!!!

Harry Potter and two other commented on this post.

Harry Potter : What do you want Malfoy?

Draco Malfoy: You know, Muggle stuff. What's Narnia?

Harry Potter: What?

Draco Malfoy: And why is it located really far down in a closet?

Harry Potter: What?! Where did you here about that?

Draco Malfoy: Pansy said she thinks I'm so deep in the closet I'm almost in Narnia.

Harry Potter: ...

Draco Malfoy: What does it mean?

Harry Potter: Um...

Draco Malfoy: I think I'll go have a look in the closet to help me find it.

Hermione Granger: Take Harry with you and do us all a favor

Harry Potter: Wha-HEY!!


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