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And so I sit on the swing set.
Swaying from side to side and not back and forth. There's no one to look out for and no ones gonna bump into me, because your best friend isn't rolling down the hill. You're not sitting on the only blue swing in the set.
We're not laughing together on the seesaw while you and your best friend constantly try to make me unbalanced and fall over.

So here I sit, listening to a custom made playlist that I listen to thinking of you.

We won't be there to walk through the trees together until the next time we meet.
I won't have anyone to protect and call an idiot.
I won't have to hide my love for you. My fondness, my trust.
My insanity, my sensitiveness.
My words, my imagination.

That's okay, I could just run through the open field and wonder what it'd be like if we we're holding hands.
I could just run my hands through my hair, whispering "fuck" as I think of your lips on mine. Beautiful.
Wanting to comb my fingers through your hair.
I have to resist until we meet again.
But that's okay, because I'm certain we will.

I remember reading a book where a man described his lover as having a clusterfuck of freckles.

I love comparing it to the clusterfuck of planets and stars surrounding us.

A clusterfuck of my love for you?
Ill look into making it sound more romantic in the future.

Mindlessly in LoveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt