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My heart is nothing but coal

And it's fueling the fire

It's fueling the fire and they'll still call me a liar.

No, I haven't been happy in thirty-six months

But at least

I'm ready

To try.

A thousand ninety-five days

A hundred fifty-six weeks

I changed my name and my face and my personality

Down the last bottle of wine

Have your last cry

One last line on your wrist

Okay. It's time.

Mom, dad, I'm here to tell you the truth.

There's a second existence I've been hiding from you.

I know I get good grades, I love writing and art

But there's a second me there

Cowering in the dark.

They hunch their back over a phone

Identity erased

Fixated on one TV show that's taken love's place.

They live in the notifications

Live on their Twitter feed

Living among the faceless

Complete mysteries.

I mean, who else is there to care

When the parents do not?

When teachers don't pay attention

And the taunting won't stop.

Seven thousand lies

"Yessir I'm okay"

But I already knew from the beginning

That my mind was decaying.

I can be happy in the moment

Climbing rooftops with friends

But I'll lose it all in a split second

The very second I reflect.

And life just a sidewalk

And I'm walking through the dark

Ghosting through the motions

Completing actions without heart.

I'm existing without living

My life has no meaning

I feel like no one is impressed with me

I'd rather be bleeding!

If there was blood in these wounds at least people would turn heads

But I'm afraid of attention

So I'm invisible instead.

Here I am waiting

No heart and no soul

I have way more mind than body

And my spirit's just a hole. 

Mindlessly in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now