Nightmare Writing [for english class]

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I tried to avert my eyes to the window where stars spotted the navy dusk just outside. Grey clouds tunneled through the air like streams of blood within capillaries, but I just couldn't find myself with the ability to tear my gaze from a harrowing shadow that loomed in the corner.

The moment my eyes met with its translucent ebony form, a deafening screech filled my ears, muting the sounds of prolonged steps that traipsed towards me very slowly. I didn't move— I couldn't. I felt small compared to this monstrosity created by my greatest fears and the darkest depths of my mind— I felt weak. My body seemed to go numb with paranoia, watching as a gelatinous crimson substance seeped from every crevice of the room, my surroundings... Wavering, dwindling, growing dim.

I was mesmerized by what I was certain was a figment of my imagination, but its nefarious and eldritch presence drew closer and closer to me. I moved to get away, pressing my back against the wall until I was practically suffocating in the blood red mass. I scrambled to throw the covers off my now tensed figure, but my panicked and disquieted mindset had possessed me, causing my hands to shake violently and fumble with the sheets.

It was too late for me to escape, though, as in a moment, I saw nothing but inky gloom. My heart beat outside of its cage. Death seemed more peaceful than this sensory deprivation, but I thought wrong. The screeching from just minutes before seemed to start up again, wrenching at the seams of my eardrums, and gradually changing into distorted ringing.

I clutched onto the sides of my head, squeezing my eyes shut as the noises crescendoed, but nothing would get rid of this wretched sound. Heartbeats turned into a demented orchestra of sheer percussion, if only I could scream to match up to this horrid performance!

But then... Everything came to a halt. It was finally over!

I open my eyes to the same star studded dusk as before, and sighed. I didn't seem to learn from my mistakes, though, as I shifted my gaze to a harrowing shadow that loomed in the corner.

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