You're What!?!

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You led your niece into the kitchen and gestured her to sit down. As it was only you and her, you were able to talk to her freely.

"So to start off with... I'm your Auntie (Y/N), I'm muggleborn like you, I was in Ravenclaw, my favourite subject was Astronomy, I used to be a Muggle-studies tutor in Hogwarts before I left to join the Order, oh and I moved in here with Sirius a year ago now" You explained.
"Erm, I'm Hermione. I'm in Gryfindor and my favourite class is, well them all to be honest" The bushy haired girl blushed.

You laughed at the girl, she looked like her father, your brother. You had always looked different from your family but you embraced that, however what you had heard from Sirius was that Hermione hated her differences.

"You're fifteen now right?" You questioned, wanting to know more about Hermione.
"Yes. I just turned it, not long ago actually" She replied "I guess you don't want me to ask your age?"
"No, that's fine. I'm twenty six" You told her grinning.

After a short silence, Ron walked into the kitchen and began to chat to Hermione once more. You sighed, standing up and gave a small wave to Hermione before leaving to go and find someone you were friends with.

When you bumped into Authur, you asked him where Remus and Sirius were and the man replied, informing you they were in the sitting room on the second floor. You thanked him and made your way up there.

As you made your way up the stairs, you hummed the tune to 'Love/Hate Heartbreak' by Halestorm. Halfway up the stairs a voice joined you, looking up you saw Tonks singing along to the tune and laughed, not regretting the decision to introduce her to some muggle music.

"Wotcher (Y/N)" She greeted you.
"Hi Tonks" You replied, walking past her "Off to the Ministry?"
She nodded in confirmation "Mad-Eye won't lay off me lately... But you know"
"Constant Vigilance!" You both yelled, imitating the old auror.

Sirius opened the door to the sitting room covering his ears.
"Bloody Hell ladies" He commented as Tonks stuck her tongue out at him, waving you goodbye.
"You know you love me..." You teased, kissing him on the cheek "Hermione believed the lie by the way. I'm not sure I want to tell her I'm immortal just yet..."
"You're what?" A girl's voice said in shock.

Crap... That was Hermione...

Hi it's Bookwormwolf. Sorry this is bad, it was kind of a filler I needed to do to get to the good part...


As usual, comment what you think because it makes me smile (and you get an Internet cookie!)

Thanks :)

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