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"Well... I'm not exactly immortal. It's more like delayed ageing. I'm a mutant you see" You explained, laughing nervously.

"Oh. So how old are you really?" Hermione asked.

"Well I'm actually the same age as Sirius. I'm 37 but I look 26" you confessed.

An awkward silence filled the air. You were nervously tapping your foot waiting for a reply whilst you eyed Hermione curiously.

"Okay..." She sighed and walked away.

You let out a shaky breath you didn't know you were holding. You flung your arms around Sirius in relief and begun to laugh (a bit creepily).

"Shhh. She took the news fine Love" He soothed, rubbing your back comfortingly.

"I-I-I know... But Ben doesn't know. And neither does Kerry, his wife. She could be bloody anti-mutant for all you know! All it takes is one little slip of the tongue and I'm never allowed to see Hermione again" You muttered.

"It'll be fine Darling. Absolutely fine" Sirius gave Remus a 'help me' look. The werewolf rolled his eyes and prised you off the convicted murder.

"Sorry" you said, smiling in embarrassment, a cherry red blush coating your cheeks.

"Well, now that's over with... How about we play a game of exploding snap?" Remus suggested, leading the way to the kitchen when you nodded in agreement.

The two maraudes sat down opposite each other and you sat at the head of the table, dealing the three of you some cards to play the game with. Before long, you were into your third game and Remus was winning (like the two other games).

'POOF' (Markiplier anyone?)

"Oh for Merlin's sake Remus" Sirius groaned, faceplanting the table. "Oww"

"Now I bet you wish you hadn't have done that Stupid" You teased.

Sirius huffed and glared at you, watching as you and Remus play the final round. It was getting tense...


"Hell yeah!" You yelled throwing the cards at Remus who rolled his eyes at your guesture. "Can we play blackjack now?"

"I guess... (Nickname)" Remus sighed, grabbing the pack of muggle playing cards and dealt three piles.

Five games of cards later, the three of you had been kicked out of the kitchen so Molly and Hestia could make the evening meal. With a huff, you got up and went upstairs to grab your iPod and came back down to the living room. As you sat down, you heard Remus and Sirius discussing something about Harry. Not being intrested in that, you put your feet up in Sirius' lap and put your headphones in, falling asleep quickly.

Hey, sorry I've not been updating lately. I've been busy with holidays, family stuff and now I'm back at school... Anyway, I aim to update as much as I can.

- Bookwormwolf.

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